Family and Friends.


who: everybody
what: a party
when: march 7, 2010
where: mount olympus, kingdom of zeus
why: to celebrate the new life
how: ...

Beautiful days = beautiful parties. Ugly days = ugly parties. Either day in my oppion ? A beautiful party, because I believe that wherever I go my beuty just follows me, and can make a party even more beautiful. Yes that's right, I am beautiful, actually the most beautiful person to exist, even more beautiful than actual mortals. Aphrodite, Goddess of love, beuty and lust. They all look up to me and wish they were this beautiful.

So this morning I woke up in my three story bedroom on the second floor. I walked down my narrow staircase to get my closet, yes my closet is all on one floor, and yes, all of my brothers and sisters have the three story bedroom with a closet all on one floor. Mine is just the biggest closet. It reminds me of a clothing store. I have six shopping racks. Three for my shirts, two for my jeans, and one for my jackets. I have a whole wall with shelves on them and it is where I put my hats and garlands. I have another wall where I have a dresser built into the wall, that is where I keep my jewlery. On the other wall there is a big mirror and a stand and chair where I carry and do my cosmetics and hair supplies. There is another wall full of shelves that carries all of my shoes, and then it has a door built into it. That door leads to a small closet (small to me) and it carries all of my party dresses and undergarmets.

There is a party going on today, my mother and father recently had a baby, whom none of my brothers or sisters have yet to meet. So we are all dressing up for a party. I throw on a white dress, one shoulder, that leaves the left shoulder bare and goes to about mid-thigh. It looks like a sheet, but we were told to wear these. I walk out the door and reach my solid gold 4-inch pumps, which I can very easily run in, if I have to, I am not a big fan of sweating. I walk to the cosmetic wall. Do my makeup, brush my teeth. I fix my hair into my classic style that I have recently made up. I brade two small strands on both sides of my hair and i twist them into a low messy bun and I clip back my bangs. Then I walk back over to my wall of hats and garlands. I take a garlands, made of sticks, leaves and wild flowers that Demeter made for me. I grab a pair of diamond studs, and a silver sequened necklace and walk up the narrow staircase and up to the third floor. I walk out of that room and into the grand hall way. My sisters Athena and Demeter are standing there conversing about who knows what. I walk over to them and hear them gasp at my extraordinary beauty.

I have to admit that Athena and Demeter are very pretty, I actually wonder how they don't have spouses. I tell them they look beautiful and they thank me. We walk together and out of the grand hallway, down to the first floor and greet our other siblings. Mother and father have yet to arrive with the newest child, but I go to look out the window to the back yard, I see many people and then someone jumps out of our rose bush and snaps a camera to get my picture. I close the drapes and sigh with irration. My father would invite the press, he is all about publicity.

Then I walk over to a butler and ask him to join me and my brothers and sisters. They look at me with confusion. I giggle for a moment, take a bottle of liquor and say...

"let's get this party started" I say with my smooth, silk voice.

I undo the cork screw and start drinking from the bottle of wine. My siblings soon start laughing and then soon follow my actions. This will be a good party after all.
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so what do you think ? it's not my best, but i really like it :) and it took me forever because I kept having the urge to write about Percy Jackson !!!!!!! aha, so comment and let me know what you thinkkkkk :)

oh, and written for this lovely contest