The Odd Lives Of The Ransans

And We Meet Again

As I look back at my reflection in the mirror I think about my life before partying. Before I lost my virginity. First real party of my life and I get fucked.

It wasn’t bad, I liked it. My memory plays it over and over sometimes. I remember it like is was yesterday. Beginning of 9th grade year. Everyone was crazy, and still is. People were drinking and smoking, I couldn’t believe it. Then this kid comes out, someone that I’ve seen before, but never talked to. He was sober. I think we were the only two sober people there.

Even Andy was high. So here we are, me and this hot guy, and he came up to me.

“Hi, I’m Gabe,” he said, then smiled as he said, “You look pretty lonely, and I thought maybe we could go somewhere less noisy and talk?”

I looked into his blue eyes. “I think I would like that very much.” Then off we went. Into a room in the back.

We spent hours talking. Just talking, getting to know each other, and having a good laugh.

Then it happened, he kissed me. Leaning over, caressing my face. I felt a spark immediately. One simple little kiss. And when I kissed back, he pulled away and gasped.

That had me cracking up. We got back into the groove, and before I knew it he was on top of me, still clothed, until he took of his shirt. My eyes almost bugged out of my head when I saw his pack, it looked so nice, rock hard. We went faster after that. The rest was a blur, but good. I remember the pain and sensation his dick gave me. The kisses and moaning, the cum that came out of him. My first fuck and it was awesome.

Now I’m back in the present, and have a feeling that tonight will be good. I have a really good feeling about it.

Yuna and I are meeting up at the corner and will get a taxi to Gabe’s house.

While leaving my house, I think how strange it is. My old boyfriend and my brother are best friends now. Andy hated Gabe. Different reasons than people think. One because he took my virginity. Two he had been a bad influence back than. And then there was when we broke up, awful memories. Some how though, Andy forgave him, I guess it was that night when me and him had sex. Yeah, I had sex with my brother, but that will be a story for another day.

As I approach Yuna I see her smile.

“Hey chica, why are you so happy?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? A party Meg. I haven’t been to a party since, I don’t even know how long.”

“Oh right, well we should get going so you can get your thing on.”

We got on a taxi and were on our way to Gabe’s house. It was around 8:20, so the party already started. The kids that have a curfew get there earlier. The kids that don’t get there later. Always the same shiz. Me and Yuna get there around this time so we can have more fun. The party eventually has to end and we don’t want to waste the time we have.

**Party time**

Just arriving at Gabe’s big house and already cars are parked to the end of his road. The door is always open when parties are going on so we didn’t have to knock.

Once I set foot in the house I swear there everyone looked at me. Including Gabe.

“Ok Megan? What’s going on? Everyone is staring at you. And here comes Gabe, damn.”
Yuna whispered to me.

I knew I wasn’t crazy; everyone did have their eyes set on me. Until Gabe reached me, when he did everyone diverted their eyes. Weird.

He took my hand in his and just stared at me. “Hey love.”

“Um, hi Gabe. What’s this all about?”

He looked around the room. “Huh? Oh nothing at all dear. We were just getting settled.”

I relaxed a bit. Then he said, “Oh and I told everyone that tonight your mine.” He smiled then kissed me.

The whole night I danced. With no one in particular. Somehow Gabe kept ending up with me. Why did he want to be with me? He didn’t before, so now why?

We ran out of pizza, and around 10 some kid ordered more.

Andy and Cassie arrived earlier. And boy did Cassie look like the slut she was. I don’t understand why he deals with her. He does though.

Yuna had left me ages. Going off with a boy, I didn’t recognize him.

So by the end of the night I was upstairs with Gabe. Laying on his bed.

He walked over to me, and sat down. Running his fingers through my hair and smiling.

“Megan, I want you to know that I still really like you. I can never seem to get you off my mind now a day.”

I felt special, I always do with Gabe. “I think i know how you feel. I have this longing feeling sometimes when I see you. We used to hang out loads after everything. What happened?” I questioned.

“I have know idea. All I know is I don’t like not talking to you, or seeing you with other guys. I get jealous.”

“Gabe I don’t belong to you, we aren’t a couple and I don’t like anyone.”

His face saddened. “Oh so you don’t want to be my girlfriend?”

My face lit up as bright as a Christmas tree. “I would love to be your girlfriend.”

I attacked him with kisses. And 9th grade seemed to be taking its place again.