The Odd Lives Of The Ransans


The Odd Lives of the Ransans
Chapter by Tara

I woke up. Everything was fuzzy looking. I was naked. I had a massive headache, and I knew I was hung-over.

Once things got clearer I saw who I fucked last night. All I saw was a mess of red hair. She was one of the girls I always ended up with. Her name was Sally…or Sara…or something like that.

I left her house without waking her up. She knows I never stay.

I called Caleb once I got in the car. I knew Gabe wouldn’t be up yet.

“Hey bro.” He answered. I could hear screamo shit in the background. I have no idea how he listens to that stuff. Especially with a hangover.

“Dude, turn the screaming down. My head is pounding” I said with a wince.

He laughed but turned it down anyways. “Sorry man. So who was it this time?” He asked.

“Sally or Sara. Whatever the red head’s name is.” I told him feeling sick.

“You mean Sam?” Caleb asked.

“Uhh…Yeah…” I told him. But I didn’t really know. I didn’t really care either. “But anyways I should go to the shop. I hope Meg covered for me…” I said.

“Doesn’t she always?” Caleb laughed. “See you later”

“Later” I said and Hung up.

I started driving to my house when I got a call. I found my phone in my pocket and answered. “Hello?” I asked not looking at the caller i.d. because I was driving.

“Where are you?” I heard Cassie’s voice ask.

“Driving” I replied.

“Well come over to my house” She ordered before she hung up.

I sighed and put down the phone. I made a U turn and went to Cassie’s house.

Cassie’s house was a lot like Gabe’s house. Very big. Her family was loaded. Her family and my family were friends. Mostly because I was her boyfriend. And that she and Meg were friends. They act like everything is cool between them. But I can tell that Megan hates Cassie. I don’t want to think it’s because of me, but I know it is.

I arrived at Cassie’s house.

“Where the hell have you been?!” She instantly screamed at me.

Her parents weren’t home. I could tell because she would never talk like that if they were home. She was a goody-goody in her parent’s eyes.

“I could ask you the same question” I replied, my headache getting worst with her screaming.

She pulled me into the hose and slammed the door. I winced as the loud noise rang in my ears.

“Well maybe I would be around more if you actually showed interest in me.” Ye yelled at me.

I sighed. I knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted more PDA. More sex. Anything to get her more popular.

“I have to get to the store” I mumbled, knowing it was the only excuse that she would take from me.

I left her house and got in my car. I blasted Escape the Fate’s Situations. It was one of the songs Caleb approved of.
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Comments please!
I'm soooo sorry I took so long! I had MSA's...
Thanks for reading!