What Did I Do to Deserve This?

hit & runs!

When I was just shy of 17, I moved to New York with my older brother Jason and his wife, Leanne. I still had one more year of high school and then I could finally go to college. I thought it was going to be horrible starting at a new school but my first weekend there told me otherwise.

Course log entry #34

Hold on to your glasses, Ruthie. You won't believe what happened on Friday!

So, I went to go buy dinner/take-out at Taco Bell. I was waiting for the food when these two really hot guys walk in. Naturally, I pretended like they didn't exist. Until they sat at my table. They just stared a t me and I stared back. We did this for like five minutes until some chick sat next to me. One of the guys start talking to me. "We," he said, pausing to acknowledge himself, the other guy, and the girl. "Are having a party. Wanna come?"

"We'll have booze," added the other guy.

"We'll have hot guys," boosted the girl. She smiled, no, beamed when she said that. I laughed at the lost look on her face. She snapped out of it quickly saying, "What's so funny?"

I sighed and grabbed my bag. "I'm laughing because I can't believe that I'm going to a party with complete strangers," I replied. "But I have to take dinner home first."

They looked at me gleefully and got up. "Hey, your order is ready," said the guy at the register. I paid for the food and started towards the door where the threesome was waiting.

"Let me see your phone," demanded the taller of the guys. I pulled it from my pocket and handed it to him. He laughed as his fingers tapped away on my Cricket TXTM8. "You trust us to easily. You're obviously not from New York."

"Born and raised in Hott Spurrs, Illinois."

"Never heard of it," said the girl.

"We never heard of where you came from until you got here," pointed out the other guy.

Handing me back my phone, Guy #1 retorted with, "We were 4. We didn't know much of anything." Guy #2 scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Call us when you get done and we'll come pick you up." I nodded and walked out the door.

After I dropped off the tacos and burritos(we really are Mexican!) and Jason said I could go, I called Guy #2, otherwise known as Dakota. They proceeded by picking me up and asking as many questions as they could fit in until we pulled into the ginormous driveway. That was definitely where the party was.

I walked in, danced, grabbed a cup, and the rest was a beautiful calm blur.


When I woke up, I had a huge hangover and I had no idea where I was. I got up, stumbling, and searched for a kitchen. I found it eventually, to my utter surprise. The girl, Lillith, was making breakfast while they guys, Dakota and Gavin, sat waiting by the island. "Hey, any Advil?" I asked.

Gavin handed me a cup of water and two tablets. I smiled and pulled up a stool. "You were pretty wild last night," he pointed out.

"It's the beer. It messes me up."

"And another liquor doesn't?" asked Dakota, laughing.

"Not as much, anyway." We all laughed. It was the most fun I'd had in a long time.

After that, me and Lil got really close. We did everything together. I mean, honestly, we double dated. It was only once though. That night, something changed inside me and I suddenly put guys to a higher standard.

About a month before prom, me and her were eating lunch. Laughing, talking, being girls. All of a sudden, Gavin and Dakota ran up to us and asked us to prom. They wanted to go as friends even though everyone knew that Dakota wanted Lil. After about 30 seconds of pleading, we gave in.


The theme for prom was 'Live Like You're Dying'. Ironic, really.

"Gosh, I love that song!" screamed Lillith. Her wavy brunette hair bounced as jumped up and down, pumping her fists in the air. She calmed down at the end, panting. She grabbed Dakota's hand and sat down at the table. Sighing, she leaned on the girl's shoulder. "Why aren't you dancing, butter muffin?" asked Lillith with concern.

"I don't want to be here."

"Where do you want to be?" she asked. The girl suddenly stood and walked swiftly toward the gym doors. Loyal and understanding, her friend followed.

The sun having just came out, their skin glistened. The girls finally stopped in the abandoned field next to the high school. "Is this where you want to be, Hayley?"

Hayley wrapped her arms around her friend, gently resting her head on her shoulder and started to cry. "It feels like home," she whispered. But only 'cause you're around, Lil."

They looked each other in the eyes and together, they brought Hayley back home.

They went to the same college to study journalism and photography. Eventually, they started their own business. They had a fight one night about the cover of their newspaper. It started as a leisurely conversation, then a heated debate, ending in a downright battle.

Both of the young entrepreneurs had been diagnosed with bipolarness [ahaha]. So as the fight went on, a battle raged inside them both. Trying so hard to concentrate on their anger was not a simple task. They had to focus with their bodies and minds. That means that neither of the girls were paying an inkling of attention to the swirling steering wheel or the swerving car until it was too late. Far too late.

To this day, I've never let anyone drive me. I feel so responsible but so irrespnsible.