Status: Done. :]

In The Winter, Everything Dies.

Everything Dies.

"I know why I like winter now" Everything was calm as I spoke for the first time in a little over a year.
The person standing behind me jumped a little from surprise of hearing my voice.
"Tell me why" was all he said, in fear of scaring away my timid voice. I spoke in a whisper as if it was a secret.
"Everything Dies.The city isn't in such a rush, trees give up trying to be green, Animals migrate to far away places. And when I walk outside, I know everyone else feels cold, that I'm not the only one flooded with pain. In the winter, everything dies."

I swung my feet from where I sat hoping I had the courage to go through with my plan.
"In the winter I can't tell if I'm cold because of the snow, or the heart he took with him. In the winter, everything dies."
The snow falling around us melting as it hit my disgustingly warm skin.

"Nothing is here to remind me of what I was when he was here, nothing to remind me of what I have become. In the winter, everything dies."
I was starting to wonder whether or not he would speak when his voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"Love doesn't die...Even in winter." such an optimist, he always was.
"He died last year, in the winter, my love died. In the winter, everything dies." such a pessimist, I always was.
I stood up from where I was sitting, the snow crunching under my feet. I looked down, and faced what hopefully would be my fate.Just about to take a step, and see him again.

"Wait, you know William used to say 'Chloe is perfect, I hope we stay together forever. I love her more than anything. Dead or alive.' He loves you Chloe dead or alive, and you love him dead or alive"
He was right

"I'm ready to see him Andy, why won't you just let me go?"
"Chloe listen to me, we all know you love William, and he loves you, but one thing I know is that William would not want to see you if it meant this, Chloe I made a promise to my best friend, that I would keep you safe, and I intend on keeping that promise."
He was wrong.

I couldn't speak, he was right. I wished I could help him keep his promise. The mangled squawk of a crow was the only thing filling the dim silence, as the snow flakes swirled down to the ground, each one leaping from the cloud above me and delicately landing on the snow packed ground below us leaving an even deeper trail of white. I followed suit, leaping from my gray cloud of a building, swirling down and landing on the snow packed ground beneath me leaving a crimson red trail of stained, beautiful snow.

Such a pessimist, I always was
♠ ♠ ♠
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