
A Talk with Dean

“It all happened so fast but he knew. He knew he’d never…” She trailed off. “He said to tell you that he’s sorry.”

Dean had taken Gia out for coffee after she had cried for a while. He knew that she was still fragile, but he needed some answers. Dean hugged her while she shed some more tears. “He had nothing to be sorry for…neither of you did. He was a great son.”

Gia wiped her eyes. “Uncle Dean he was my best friend. What am I going to do now?”

Dean gave her a look of sympathy. “It’s going to be hard, Gia. But just like with everything else time helps our wounds heal and you know that Tracy and I are here for you. We know what you’re going through.” They were silent for a few moments. “There is someone else who knows what you are going through. Someone who can help you more than you know. Someone willing to drop everything for you.” She looked up at with a confused glance and he smiled. “Your dad.”

Her jaw kind of dropped for a second in realization before snapping back into reality. “Uncle Dean?”


“Can you take me home?” She asked quickly and the older of the two smiled as he grabbed his coat.

When they got home, she saw that her dad was still there before going to the hospital. She ran in the front door and he turned to look at her. He stood when he saw the tears and she ran right into his arms. He held her tightly and they sat down on the couch. He stroked her hair and sighed. He realized that they could finally be breaking through to becoming Gia again. Feeling that he needed to be with his daughter that night, he called in sick at the hospital.

Landon looked up and saw Dean standing in the doorway, making sure she was okay. Pain was etched on his face and Landon’s heart went out to his friend. Gia looked up and wiped her eyes, feeling bad when she saw her uncle standing there.

Dean walked over and smiled. “I have to go, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

She hugged him. “Thank you.”

He hesitated. “Gia I know it hurts but…Tracie and I were wondering if maybe…you know I know Joey’s not there but if you’d still come by sometimes to hang around our house or have dinner. It might…help us to have you there.”

Gia looked up at her uncle and her heart broke to see him this way. He was always tough and stern and now he had tears threatening to fall down his cheeks.

“Anytime you want me there, I’ll be there.” She promised.