A Quest West

When Nothing is the Same

Upon returning to our wagon it was as though nothing was different. But everything was. I was remorseful for every cruel thing I had ever said or done. Peter and I both sat in silence day after day. We seem to be more alike than I thought, perhaps we are closer now. Mom and Dad tell us that she is happy now, but at night they create an ocean with sorrows and sky shattering wails. Our dog is no longer here. I didn’t ask and I don’t really want to know. I only imagine that Ann did not leave alone, and has a friendly dog to accompany her on her new and profound journey.
Approaching the town I could hear bells. Despite my slashing anguish there was a small spark of happiness knowing that we had made it. When unloading the wagon we came across a small bag of Ann’s. Most of her possessions had been tossed away with useful things kept, but this little purse had been missed. I opened it to find a few coins and a beaded necklace, along with a picture of Anne. I slipped it into the pocket of my blouse and held it tightly. We begin our new life here. Nothing ever the same. A life altering struggle. I tried to remind myself that it was still pointless, I tried just as hard to forget that. I could feel Ann’s smile and I cried until my face was dry as dust. I could hear Ann’s voice in synch with Peter’s as he hugged me and said,
“We made it.”