When Life Throws You a Curve of Reality


Christy lives in the country, she enjoys nature, and has a lot if wisdom. Looking at how Christy acts at church, you would think she has the perfect life. She’s always smiling. Encouraging people, singing with the praise team…she always looks so happy. However, people do not realize how Christy is at home. Christy’s parents are divorced, she never sees her dad because his wife doesn’t like Christy. Her mom also was remarried; she went on a Christian dating site and found a guy named Charles. Charles was nice to Christy; he spoiled her and her mother Maria. He owned his own business causing him to have the controlling “You work for me!” mentality and he isn’t afraid to tell you when you’re wrong. Over all, however, he’s a nice guy.
It was hard for Christy to adjust to the new “dad”, well step-dad. She couldn’t see him as a dad because the only person she saw as a dad was her dad; even though he wasn’t there for her. Her dad Rob missed a lot of Christy’s life all because of his wife. He stopped getting her and calling and she began to feel unloved. As a result, she cried and cried until the pressure caused her to want to kill herself. She would take her nails and dig them into her wrist instead of cutting herself.