When Life Throws You a Curve of Reality


After talking to Zac for about an hour, Christy went to bed. The ext day Emily asked her who the guy was and asked her what he wanted. Christy explained how he was hanging out with the wrong crowd and got set up. The guys he was hanging with told him to go into “There” house and get them all the valuable things he could; they planned on selling it but, as far as they told him, they couldn’t sell the stuff on there own.
“So Zac” she continued, “Went into the house and did as they asked him to, then helped them sell it all. He thought it was all their stuff and their house. However, when he went back the second time to see if they were home, he saw lights on, yeah, Mark and Brad must be home he thought. He walks into the house and found a group of guys yelling and throwing stuff. Who are these people? Where’s Brad and Mark? Zac went into one of the rooms to call them and ask what was going on, they didn’t answer. Then Zac heard footsteps and he ran in the closet and quickly closed the door. He heard two guys talking about a robbery and how all their valuables were stolen. That’s when Zac realized he got set up. So he got on the internet from him cell phone and began talking to me; at first he thought I was his cousin Britney.”

Emily was speechless, all she could say was” Wow, that’s crazy!” Later on that day Christy, again, got on the computer and found a message; it was from Zac. It was about ten P.M., she had to be in bed by midnight, and she still had homework to do. She read the message, which said how glad he was to meet her and he thanked her for the talk. After reading his message, she replied and said, “You’re welcome, I’m also glad that we met” and then asked if everything was ok, he said, “Not horrible, I am still in the closet though.” She asked if they could switch to IM instead of sending messages back and forth. So he agreed and they continued their talk.
Zac: So anyways, I’m trapped and can’t get a hold of my friends.

Christy: Can’t you just sneak out when the owners go to bed?

Zac: I wish! Although that would be too risky. I’ll just have to wait until they leave then make my escape.

Christy: What about food, you have to eat?

Zac: I don’t know. I’ll figure something out.

Christy: Hey, I know this is off subject and all but I was just wondering if you’re a Christian?

Zac: Um, not really, why are you?

Christy: Yeah.

Zac: Cool. Oh man, someone just came in the room!

Christy: Maybe they’re just getting something; perhaps they’re even going to leave for a while.

Zac: I don’t know, they- hold on a second!

Christy waited, she couldn’t help but think how strange all this was. I wonder if Zac is around my age? Christy thought to herself maybe he lives around me and I can just go help him…. After a while Zac Instant Messaged her.

Zac: Ok, I’m back, thanks for waiting.

Christy: No problem, what happened?

Zac: One of the guys opened the closet door to grab his jacket, I was just afraid that they would see me. Fortunately, they didn’t and you were right, they are leaving.

Christy: Nice! Are they leaving now?

Zac: No, I think they will be gone in the next hour though.

Christy: Awesome, now you can get out of there.

Zac: Yeah, which will be nice.

Chritsy: I bet! I would be horrified if I was trapped in a house full of furious men.

Zac: Yeah, well at least I have you to talk to J Say Christy, what made you want to talk to me in the first place?

Christy: I don’t know. You just seemed like you needed to talk.

Zac: Well thanks, I think I have talked enough about me and my problems, how are you?

Christy: Um, I’m not too bad.

Zac: But also not too good?

Christy: Yeah, well it’s a long story.

Zac: I’ve got time if you want to talk about it?

Christy: No, I don’t really want to talk about it right now, maybe later.

Zac: Ok, that’s fine. If you ever decide you want to talk about it then let me know and I’ll be willing to listen.

Christy: Thanks.

Zac: No problem. So tell me about yourself if you don’t mind?

Christy: No, I don’t mind. My name’s Christy Carlson, I’m fifteen, I have an older brother named Paul. He’s at college right now though, I really miss him. But yeah, my parents are divorced so I live with my mom Maria and my step dad Charles. Your turn.

Zac: Christy Carlson, I like that name. I’m sixteen, I live with my foster parents Dave and Sharon, I think I have a brother somewhere but I’m not sure, I’ve always struggled with making friends and when I did they always betrayed me.

Christy: Thanks. I’m relieved that you’re only a year older than me. Living with foster parents must be tough, and knowing that you just might have a brother out there but have no clue if it’s true would also be hard.

Zac: Yeah, it’s pretty hard. Say Christy, can I ask you a question?

Christy: Sure.

Zac: Well, um, what do you believe when it comes to dating and stuff?

Christy: Dating is a subject a lot of people view differently than me, I’ve been in many relationships and almost lost my virginity. Then when I moved, I started going to an amazing church and realized that dating is when two people come together to see if they could be suited for marriage. This belief is also known as courtship. I believe in remaining pure and faithful to my future husband.

Zac: Wow, I’ve never looked at it that way. So are you in a relationship now?

Christy: No, why?

There was a long pause after that last question. Christy wondered why he asked those more personal question. He can’t possibly like me, we’ve only known each other for a couple of days, she thought, Maybe he’s just a personal-question-asking type of guy.

Zac: Sorry about leaving you like that, the guys just left and I’m on my way down stairs.

Christy: It’s fine. So what are you going to do now?

Zac: My plan is to walk out the front door and scream “I’m free!” lol just kidding.

Christy: Now that would be worth seeing! Lol

Zac: Yeah. Alright well I’m on my way out the- someone’s still here!

Christy: Are you sure?

Zac: Yeah, but if I’m quiet enough maybe I’ll still be able to get out.

Christy: Let’s hope! What’s the guy doing?
Zac: He’s lying on the couch sleeping, probably drank too much and passed out. Hey Christy?

Christy: Yeah?

Zac: You said you were a Christian, right?

Christy: Yeah.

Zac: Can you pray for me?

Christy: Yeah, sure.

Zac: Thanks, I’m going to go, I’ll let you know how everything goes later.

Christy: Ok, bye.

Zac: Bye.

*Zac is now offline*

As Christy prayed she began to feel overwhelmed, she didn’t know why but such worry brought her to her knees. She realized how horrible she had been living. Truth is Christy and Zac are a lot alike. Christy always got herself in the wrong crowd, and also got herself in some serious trouble. She cried to the Lord and asked Him to forgive her and asked Him to help her witness to Zac that, he too, could be saved. Christy decided to change, to be set-apart and start sharing her faith as if her life were to end tomorrow.