When Life Throws You a Curve of Reality

Christy's New Beginning

It’s Monday morning and Christy is still sleeping. After a long night of talking to zac, praying, and finishing her homework, she felt like she could sleep for at least another hour. Unfortunately, she was woke up by bother her mom and her alarm clock. She finally got up and went to her closet to try to find something to wear. Christy had never realized how immodest she dressed; she always wore the tightest, latest, shortest, immodest things she had. All she wanted to do was draw attention to herself and fit in.
She never before felt convicted for the way that she dressed until today. She remembered her rededication to the LORD the night before and knew she needed to change. Therefore, she grabbed a pair of loose- fitting jeans and a T-shirt and headed to school. She really wanted to talk to Zac but she figured he would IM her later.
When Christy got to school, se felt out of place and embarrassed-she wanted so badly to change into her more popular style of clothes, but she was stuck. Her friend Emily came up to her and asked if everything was alright, Christy said yeah but she thought the opposite. Her other friend-more bold and popular- said her outfit was “ugly” and “So not the style!” Christy wanted to run home and cry, she never liked being the “out-cast” or the “geek” like she had been a couple years before. She felt her eyes begin to water and her cheeks begin to heat up. She didn’t know what to say to them. Then, out of know where, Zac Imed her:

Zac: Hey!

Christy: Hi.

Zac: How are you?

Christy: Not great.

Zac: Why’s that- something wrong?

Christy: Well, last night I rededicated my life to the LORD and made a commitment to change…now I am being made fun of for it!

Zac: By who?

Christy: Some friends from school.

Zac: “Friends”, huh?

Christy: Yeah.

Zac: I don’t think anyone who claims to be someone’s “friend” should make fun of them. A true friend sticks closer than a brother.

Christy: Sounds familiar.

Zac: Good, means you know your Bible.

Christy: What, I thought you said you weren’t a Christian?

Zac: Yeah, I’m not. My foster parents are though and they make me go to church with them every Sunday. Last time we talked about friendship.

Christy: Oh, I see.

Zac: Yeah.

Christy knew this was the perfect time to witness to Zac, until the school bell rang and her first class started.

Christy: Hey, I’ve got to go, time for school.

Zac: Oh, okay. Talk to you later?

Christy: Probably. Bye.

Zac: Bye.

As Christy went from class to class, she realized that she would also have to change the way she acts. Whenever she’s around her friends, she acts different- unless they’re Church friends. Her whole focus in school was getting attention and acting, dressing, and even talking like everyone else. She knew this is another area she would have to work on.
After school, Christy was getting ready to get on the bus; she knew there was a lot of temptations on the bus so she decided to just walk. The air was clean and fresh, temperature was perfect. The cool breeze felt great on her face and nature was blooming. She knew she would have a nice walk. She lived only a few blocks away and she lived in a nice neighborhood too. Once she reached her house, she took a deep breath, seeing two cars in the driveway. This meant her mom and step- dad were home. She then went in the house and only to find her mom and Charles fighting. She couldn’t stand it when they argued, it drove her crazy! This time, however, it was serious, something was wrong. As she sat quietly on the stairs so they wouldn’t know she was listening, she heard Charles scream, “If you don’t like it that’s fine! Just go, and take Christy with you!” she heard her mom yell back, “Well if you’re not going to change I’m going to have to!” Without hesitation, Charles said back, “Fine, just leave then!” Christy’s mom couldn’t say anything because all she couldn’t seem to get out was tears; she was hurt and scared.
Charles always had a drinking problem and his temper seemed to flair without effort. Christy knew he must have been drunk, otherwise he wouldn’t have acted that way. She knew her mom couldn’t handle it any longer and she was probably going to have to move. Christy, however, didn’t want to leave; she would rather just deal with Charles. Truth is, she was only thinking of herself, she didn’t want to leave her friends, family, and her school, but she knew she had no choice. She ran upstairs after hearing footsteps coming towards her. She plopped on her bed to think and cry…it has been a crazy day, being made fun of, failing my Social Studies test, and now this! Tears began to stream down her face. She asked the LORD to give her strength and to help her mom and her to get through this. She told her Heavenly Father that she would go wherever He desired to send her and do whatever He asked of her.

To get her mind of things, she got on the computer. She checked her email and saw something that shocked her. In her inbox, he found a message titled “A message from you Father”; she opened it and began reading it. It said,

“If you’re going through something difficult or painful, whether it be family, friends, school, addictions, or even just your walk with God, you muct knw that you are loved! I know you probably hear this often but it true! Your Father has amazing plans for you.

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11

This is what the Lord says:
“Stop at the crossroads and look around.
Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls…
Jeremiah 6:16”
Christy sat there shocked and yet a spark of happiness raced through her. Then she got an IM from Zac:

Zac: Hey, you there? I need your help (again)!

Christy: Yeah, what’s wrong?

Zac” The other night when I snuck out of that house, I realized I had left my coat in the closet!

Christy: Ok. So what’s the big deal, they’ll probably think it’s theirs?

Zac: Thr big deal it that my wallet was in my coatso it wouldn’t fall out of my pants pocket. Inside my wallet is my driver’s license along with all my money.

Christy: Oh no! What are you going to do?

Zac: I don’t know, go back, I guess.

Christy: Wait! You can’t go back there, they’ll kill you!

Zac: What difference does it make; they have my wallet which means they’ll know who I am?

Christy: No! I can’t lose you too!

Zac: Lose me too? Christy, what are you talking about, it something wrong, did someone die?

Christy: No, no body died but something is wrong. I think I might have to move.

Zac: Why?

Christy: Because I heard my mom and Charles fighting and then Charles told my mom to leave and to take me with her.

Zac: Oh my word! I am so sorry! Where do you live now?

Christy: Michigan.

Zac: Oh.

Christy: Yeah. Anyways, I’ve got to take sometime to think. I’ll be praying for you, Zac. Oh and remember, God’s there for you, He’s waiting for you to talk to Him.

Zac: Yeah, I know- I’ve been thinking about it.

Christy: Well, don’t wait too long; you never know when you’ll die. But yeah, I hope you choose the best choice and keep me up-to-date.

Zac: Will do.

Christy: Later.

Zac: Bye.

Christy went and opened her window hoping some fresh air would help her calm down. When she did, she heard the car start; she quickly looked out the window and saw Charles speed out of the driveway. He looked furious and irritated. So she went down stairs to see how her mom was doing. She saw her on her knees crying, hands folded, dead bowed, and eyes shut. Clearly she was praying. She went and sat by her mom and whispered a prayer then looked over at her mom. When she opened her eyes, she saw her mom looking at her smiling. Then reached over and hugged her.
Christy and her mom didn’t really get along. She was always too focused on her own self- she didn’t take the time to spend with her mom. Christy knew, at this point, she needed to. Comfort swept over her when her mom hugged her. She then asked her mom what they were going to do. Her mom told her that she didn’t want her to think that divorce was ok but she couldn’t take Charles abusing her with his words anymore. On top of him being a drunk, he was also having an affair. So in this situation, divorce was biblically ok. “Honey, I know this is going to be hard for you but we have to leave. I just can’t deal with this any longer!” her mom said to her. Christy’s eyes began to fill with tears and then she told her mom that God will give her the strength. She was overcome with emotion when she got those words out, she ran upstairs, shut the door, and grabbed her Bible. When she opened it, she read a verse that comforted her beyond compare.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I will hope in him.”
Lamentations 3:22-24