Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

All Alone is Where We Started

Raylee looked at her reflection in the mirror as she brushed her curls into waves, she pulled on her headband and didn't bother to take another look at herself. She knew she looked the same as she did the day before, she didn't need to check herself every five minutes as most of the girls in her class did. She was aware that her fitted jeans and plain tee shirt wouldn't change colors during the day - so that wasn't a bother either. Ray walked into her room, sitting on her bed as she pulled on her over-worn converses. She grabbed her messenger bag before walking out the door, heading towards her bus stop.

Her feet made little noise as she walked the few blocks to the pick up, she was walking alone as usual. The yellow vehicle pulled up a couple minutes after she made it to the crossing, she took the steps one at a time and looked at the filled seats; she didn't have one friend on that bus, not even a person willing to share a seat with her. It wasn't like she cared anyway, Raylee attended school to learn, not to make acquaintances or friends. She took a seat next to a random girl in the back, ignoring the look she was getting and staring down at the textbook she had pulled out of her bag, reviewing the lesson for the test she was having first period.

It was about a month into her junior year, and she had the same routine as always. Ray walked through the hallways with her head down, watching the feet of the people around her, for two reasons: she wouldn't bump into them if they stopped, and so she wouldn't have to pay attention to the girls who were getting all the attention.

Raylee knelt down, spinning the combination into her locker, pulling out her honors textbooks and putting them into her messenger bag. She took her binders into her arms and shut the locker, standing up to set her hazel eyes on her only friend. Darcy smiled at her, her light brown hair falling over her green eyes as she sported one of the newest fashions.

"How is your day going to far Ray?"

The girl looked down at her watch, "It isn't even eight am and you're asking me how I am. I think you should be telling me what's up."

"Oh, well it's nothing big."

She smiled and started to walk towards her homeroom.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you!" Darcy squealed, "Alex Gaskarth looked at me."

"Who is that?"

The light brown haired girl sucked in her breath, "Only the most popular senior in Dulaney!"

"Right," she said not caring, "I have to get to class, we've got a big exam."

"You call every test a 'big exam', you make a big fuss about how hard it's going to be and then you pass."

"Exams are important when you are in honors, Darce, maybe you should care a little more about school and less about Alek looking at you."

"Alex!" she hissed, "I swear you're hopeless, you are a waste of a hot body."

Raylee rolled her eyes and walked to her class, she took her usual seat in the front of the class and crack open her text book and binder. She had studied all week for this exam, and she was confident that she would do fine, but extra studying couldn't hurt.


Raylee sat across from her best friend at the lunch table, both of them were silent, not really knowing what to say to each other anymore. When they first met in Kindergarten, they had so much in common - but now, in high school, there wasn't a think that they could relate to. Darcy wanted to be in the popular crowd, that was all she cared about, she would do anything to get their attention. And Raylee, she couldn't stand to look at their over pampered faces; she knew that in five years, her popular classmates who have it all won't be anywhere because they didn't put any effort into their school work.

The wavy haired girl looked at her friend, noticing her eyes hadn't left the one direction the whole time they had been sitting there. Raylee turned around to look, she knew that it was a portion of the popular crowd, simply because of the girls in cheerleader skirts. She didn't leave her eyes on any of the individuals for more than three seconds.

"Disgusting," Ray whispered, turning back to her lunch.


"They're whores, that can't even keep their legs closed when they're wearing skirts."

"Raylee! Don't talk about them like that, they're Alex's friends."

"And which one of these is this Alex character you've been so set on today?"

The girl across from her rolled her smokey eyeshadow covered eyes, "You see the guy with the Blink hoodie? You know, the black hoodie with the rabbit holding a carrot? Well that's Jack. And the boy with coffee colored hair next to him, with that adorable smile, that's Alex."

"Coffee colored hair, just say brown hair, he's not that dreamy."

For the second time today, Darcy sucked in her breath, "Don't you talk about him like that."

"Stop telling me what to do, I can't believe you are obsessing over these people. They are so fake!"

"So what, everyone knows them."

"You want people to know you? Get good grades, big companies will be raving about you, you'll fly right through college and land the job you want in a fashion magazine."

"I'd rather be a model."


"Don't lecture me."

Raylee put the thermos she was eating out of back into her messenger back, tiered of being told what to do when all of her advice wasn't even going to be contemplated by her friend. She stood up, pushing in her chair and slugging her bag over her shoulder.

"I'll be in the library if you need me, you know, using my brain."

"Yeah, uh-huh, sure," Darcy said, already wrapped up in trying to read the people at the popular table's lips.

The dark haired girl walked out of the cafeteria, wondering what made them go in separate directions when they had been so inseparable.
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New story, I hope you guys like it. I am going to try to update as regularly as possible... let me know what you think.