Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

The Secrets Out

Alex stared blankly at the principal as the waited for his parents to arrive. The caramel haired boy didn't get to explain the list fully, once the Principal heard Jack's name, he insisted that he should be in the office too. He began to tap his calloused fingers on the oak arm of the chair when the door behind him opened.

A man that looked like Alex, except for twenty more years of wear, walked into the room, followed by a women with dark hair and a forced smile. When he looked at his mom, he could instantly see the pain in her eyes, knowing that her youngest son was in trouble -since this is how it all started with his older brother.

"Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Gaskarth. I am very sorry to pull you from your jobs, I'm sure your son is too." the principal stood, extending his hand toward the adults before they took their seats.

"It's fine," Mr Gaskarth frowned as he finished speaking.

"So Alexander, would you care to explain this list to all of us, or shall we wait for the Barakats to join us?"

"Jack came up with the dare, I agreed."

"Fine, continue."

"It's just a roster of all the girls in school, according to the bet, I had to sleep with every single one before graduation."

"How did you cross them off?"

"Parities, people hold them all weekend. I'm popular, some girls want me, others have to get drunk first,"

Mrs Gaskarth looked out the window, ashamed of what she was hearing, and at herself, for not questioning his whereabouts more often.

"You forced yourself on Ms Jones, correct, did you do that to anyone else?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"You raped someone!" his father bellowed.

"No, Raylee's boyfriend got to us before I did something stupid."

"Is there anything else that needs to be added to your file?"

"One of the girls is pregnant, I can't remember her name. I do know that she's Derek's little sister though."

The principal stared at him in disbelief, "You go after his sister and his girlfriend, which are friends, I'm assuming?"

Alex nodded.

"Oh my god," Mrs Gaskarth mumbled.


Darcy dropped the lid to the toilet seat and walked out of the stall. She stared at her reflection, her honey colored hair had vomit in it, her makeup was smeared from the water that has slipped from her eyes, and her skin blotchy from throwing up her breakfast.

"Are you alright?"

She looked over at her friend with chocolate wavy hair and hazel eyes full of concern. Darce didn't answer, she just hunched over and washed her face with cool water, pulling out the chunks from her hair, and going over to the dryer.

"The morning sickness sucks," she responded before hitting the silver button and starting the dryer.

"I looked up some articles when I was in the library," Raylee informed her, "they say having a few saltine crackers before getting out of bed helps."

"I'll try that," she said slugging the bag over her shoulder.

"Have you told your mom yet, Dar? I read that the first few months are the most important, you need to be eating right, taking vitamins, going to the doc-"

"Babe, shh! You're talking way too much."

"This isn't something you can brush off. If your mom hadn't taken care of herself, you could have defects and stuff like that, you don't want that for your child, do you?"

They pushed back the bathroom door and entered the stuffy hallway, no one even sent them a second glance.

"I don't want a child," Darcy told her, attempting to change the subject she continued, "So you witnessed the fight this morning?"

"I was in the fight, I'm the reason it started."

"I can't even believe that you trusted Alex enough to get a ride from him."

"Actually, I got a ride from Jack. And I only got into the vehicle because of Rian, you know, my lab partner."

"Whatever," the lighter haired girl said as she walked into her classroom.

Raylee stood in the hallway for a moment before heading off to class. She took her usual seat next to Rian, afraid to her what he might say about the fight, she opened her notebook and started to take the objective off the board, followed by the diagrams.

The shaggy haired boy watched her in amazement with a small smiled on his face. He looked at his teacher when he spoke, glancing at Ray as she took down Mr Mich's every words. There wouldn't even be a debate if anyone asked who was the most grade-minded student in the school.

"Why do you do that?" he asked as their teacher set up the projector.

"Knowledge is the only thing that will get me somewhere in life. I have no talents and as you can tell, I don't have many social skills."

"I think you'll do just fine with whatever you put your mind to," he whispered.

She smiled at him but didn't say anything else, she just took down the notes and drew the diagrams. When Raylee left the classroom and bumped into a tall figure, when her books were handed to her, she came face to face with Alex.

"I think your books left a mark."

Not wanting to fall into another one of his traps, she walked into the crowd and headed for the lunchroom, not bothering to reply or even look at him again. She just wanted him out of her life until he became the person he needed to be -- a father.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I didn't forget about you. I hope you all don't hate me.

I moved in, and just got Internet on Friday. I'm still unpacking, so I won't be online 24/7 like usual. My mom'll be having a baby in a month, so I'll also be needed for assistance with the little ones. I'm going to update as much as possible, I love you all!

And Happy Easter :)