Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

Cleaning Up the Messes That You've Made

"Let me give you a ride home," Derek said as he walked up to Raylee's locker, "in apology for not listening to you and walking away from Alex."

Her hazel eyes analyzed him for a moment, she went back to pulling books out of her locker, "That sounds reasonable."

"I'm also sorry because my mom said I'm grounded for the rest of the month, I can't get off for your birthday. As soon as I'm off punishment, I'm going to buy you the best dinner you've ever had."

"If you say so," she turned her lock and stood up, working to keep the hurt look off her face.

"The meeting did not go well with my parents.The principal told them about Darcy, I swear I'm going to kill Alex. She ended up getting called down, don't even ask her about the look on my father's face... it was worse than we imagined. Look, I mean, she's still upset, that was hours ago."

"Well yeah, now she has to go home and face him."

He looked at Raylee, "We both do, I was supposed to tell them, they yelled at me when I said I knew."

The light haired girl approached them, no hint of a smile on her face or in her eyes. No one said another word, they just filled the car ride with heavy silence.

"You'll be in school right, Darce?" she asked looking at her house.

"Yeah, of course," she replied flatly as she stared out the window.

Raylee sighed and leaned over the stick shift to kiss Derek, "See you once you're on school grounds again."

As she went to pull away, he pulled her close, pressing their lips together with force and passion. When he let go, she stared at him in confusion, not knowing how else to react. She waved at him and stepped out of the vehicle, going into her house and starting her homework.


The week eased forward, Raylee had spent her time in the halls searching for Darcy but having no luck. By the time Derek's sentence of suspension was up, he still hadn't arrived at school, leaving her worried. She wanted to call them, but her parents had taken her cell away due to her detentions.

Being Daddy's little girl, her father pulled her aside during the weekend while her mother was in the shower. He took her hand and firmly pressed her cell down into her palm, smiling softly at her.

"They haven't called, I only checked so I could tell you if they were trying to tell you why they weren't around. Maybe they got their phones taken too? But that doesn't explain why they haven't been in school, honey. The only calls you got were from Rian, your lab partner I hope."

"Yes daddy, thank you."

"No problem, just hurry up before your mom gets out."

She went through her contacts without another hesitation, calling Darcy, she furrowed her bros at the automated message. She flipped her phone shut and dialed Derek, getting the same thing. Raylee was going to call the house, but she knew that no one would pick up there, most likely. She held the phone out to her father with a blank expression.

"What?" asked as he took the phone back.

"A machine informed me that their numbers were no longer in service. Do you think-" she stopped herself, "they couldn't have without telling me."

Mr Jones stood up, "Put your shoes on, we're going to go to the house and get some answers. I don't want you worrying about it, your mom will ask and we'll have to tell her. I'm going to go hide the phone again..."

The dark haired girl ran up the stairs to her room, grabbing her hoodie and her worn-out shoes before darting to the first floor and waiting by the door. Her father drove just above the speed limit to reach the Marks house as quickly as possible. Raylee's eyes filled with tears as she looked from the empty driveway to the sign on the lawn.

"No," she muttered repeatedly, "Daddy, tell me I'm not seeing it correctly."

"Sorry pumpkin, you're not."


"Are you alright?"

Ray's eyes fell on muddy brown ones, her lab partner was staring at her with concern. Since she arrive to his house, she hadn't said a word, she just worked on her end of the project like that was all she knew how to do.

"Raylee, are you there? Earth to Raylee Jones!"

She blinked, "Derek and Darcy moved, without telling me," her blunt expressionless voice took him by surprise, "I don't know where they are, they changed their numbers too. My boyfriend and best friend are gone because of me."


"If I hadn't ditched Darce she wouldn't have gone to the party, therefore Derek wouldn't want Alex's head on a platter because he impregnated his sister."

"Ray, do you want to hear my logic on this?"

She nodded at the shaggy haired boy, her eyes dull and glassy like she was about to cry again.

"I think that everything happens for a reason. I believe that no matter what someone does, it's not their fault because it was their destiny to do it, so enjoy the good things because your life is planned out. And what I know is that this isn't your fault, it was out of your hands. If you're meant to be with Derek, you will find each other again."

"Kara is lucky to have you," she said flashing a smile at him.

Rian smiled back at her, "Just for that, I'll tell you how to find them."

"How do you know?"

"Alex told me that his parents and her parents sat down with their lawyers and a judge, off trial, and came up with an agreement. Alex must visit the baby every couple months to maintain a fatherly figure, and help pay some of the costs -- if not, he can never see his child, and he must pay child custody to the full extent along with half of the hospital bills."

"Why didn't you tell me before!?"

"Because my best friend asked me not to, look Ray, don't tell him that you know. Just act like you want to rid of a guilty conscience and make nice with him. You're smart, I know you'll think of something."

She thanked him before burying her nose back into the project, knowing that they needed to finish it before the band got there. The project wasn't due for another several days, but she loved getting all the extra credit she could, because it would look good on her college applications.

"Do you want to stay for practice?" Rian asked her, looking at the clock on his dresser.

"I don't think that your friends would like me here."

"You need to find some way to start talking to Alex, so why not when he's doing his favorite thing as in a good mood?"

"Whatever you say Ri."
♠ ♠ ♠
I added Derek to the character list... he'll still be in the story, don't worry.