Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

Now All I Know of You is a Name

Darcy set her motherhood book down on her bed, listening to the silence that had recently fallen; she crossed her room and pressed her ear to the door, she didn't even hear the whisper of her parents anymore, she assumed they were sleeping.

She slipped on her socks to mask any noise her feet my make as she walked through the connected bathroom to Derek's room. She climbed onto his bed, kneeling by his side as she poked him gently. It took him a few minutes to wake, but when he saw Darcy he shot up and grabbed her face.

"Are you okay?"

Smiling at him she brushed his hands away, "I'm fine, I just needed to talk to you about something mom and dad said when we were in the office at the teen pregnancy school."

"Oh, what?"

Darcy got quiet, not having have thought about how she would bring it up to him, or even how to react to whatever he was going to reply; she just pushed him aside and sat next to him, pulling his sheet over her legs.

"Mom said that I should do adoption, do you know why she told me I should? Because you ended up in such a great home, basically her words, not mine. Did you know you were adopted?"

He looked down, "Yeah."

She punched him, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to make things awkward, it's going to be hard enough when we run away. People will assume that I'm the father, it'll just be too hard to explain."

"You're keeping something from me," Darce noted.

"And you're never going to find out what it is, no one will ever know. The one time I said something I got beat for it; remember that one time dad got mad at me and beat me? Well that was the time."

"Just tell me, Der!"

"I can't."

She looked at him, her brown eyes growing weary, "Fine, I'll be in my room if you need me."

Darcy kicked the blankets off and climbed into her bed, pulling her quilt up over her bed and sending her book to the floor. She peeked from under the quilts at it but didn't bother to get it, she knew she had to read it and a couple other before she started the new school, she just didn't care right now.

Her brother walked into the room, picked up the book and laid it on her nightstand. He laid down next to her and pulled her against his chest, "I didn't mean to get you upset."

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Do you really want me to tell you? You can't push me away, remember I'm still your escape plan."

"Okay," she said with a sigh, her eyes remaining on the dark wall as she waited for him to speak.

"After I found out, I started to think differently of you; I saw you as a really really close friend."

Darcy turned to look at him, "Dad got that mad over that?"

He pulled away and got off of her bed, "Uh, yeah."

She watched him go, knowing that he still wasn't giving her the whole truth, but she was too tiered to get the rest out of him. She rolled over and faced the wall again, pulling the quilt up to her shoulder and nestling into her pillow, slowly falling into a deep sleep.


Raylee walked into the cafeteria, books clutched in hand as she went to her usual table, not vacant without her friends. She set her books down and placed her backpack on the seat, pulling out her lunch before putting the bag by her feet and opening up the container to eat.

"Why're you still sitting by yourself, come with me and the guys."

She glanced towards Rian's table, "You have people there who hate me, I'm not going to mess your life up too."


"No, I'm fine. I'm okay by myself, I am in class and when I walk to and from school."

The drummer shrugged, walking to his table. She watched as he talked to his friends before sitting down, she turned back to her lunch and forked the soy-product meat. Before she could take a bite of it, her books were pulled off the table, as she went to protest Alex grabbed her lunch and followed Jack to the table.

Raylee glared at him, picking up her backpack and trailing behind him, taking a seat in between the two boys; Rian smiled triumphantly across from her, causing her to stick her tongue out and continue with her lunch.

"Why don't you get school lunch?" a spiky haired boy asked her.

She glanced down at it and then back up, "Well for one, school lunch isn't healthy, you don't know what they're giving you. And two, I don't consume meat -- yeah, this looks like it is, but it isn't."

"Oh, I'm Matt by the way."

She waved before taking a bite and staring at her food. She looked up at the sound of the two girls talking, a blonde and a brunette, their conversation seemed aimless to her.

"Are you going to the dance this weekend?"

She looked up, the blue eyed girl was directing the question at her, "Um, no."

"Awe, don't have a date?" she pouted, "My boyfriend is taking me, right babe?"

From the corner of her eye she saw Alex nodding, causing confusion to wash over her, but she didn't let it show her face, she just forced a smile and finished her food.

"Too bad Derek left, he would have been a good date, huh?"

"Lisa, shut up!" Alex growled at her.

Raylee cleared her throat, "Thanks, but I'm better off by myself like I said, Rian, see you in Chem."

"Don't go, she's sorry," the caramel haired boy grabbed her arm but she pulled it free, "Ray."

She looked away from his pleading face and walked out of the cafeteria, going to the library and starting her homework. She could feel her face getting hot as the anger took grip of her, how could someone be so careless to mention the reason she was hurting? No, how selfless could they be to date someone who cheated on you, and the whole school knew? A cheerleader. Raylee sneered at the idea, cheerleaders didn't care about anything but status; she was dating someone all the way at the top, and was probably doing the same thing he was but quietly.

Ray looked up when a book was placed across from her, the brunette from the lunch table, the girl offered a wide smile before taking her seat. She flipped open her book and ran her finger over a few lines before looking up to speak.

"Don't let Lisa interfere with your mood, she's just annoyed that you went to practice the other night; we weren't allowed. If anyone should be annoyed, that should be me, being as my boyfriend invited you."

"You're Kara?"

"Indeed," she smiled again, "Rian has said a lot about you, said you're brilliant. So, aside from seeing if you're okay, I wanted to know if you could help me."

"With which subject?"

"Oh, no no, not school work. I don't want people to think that I'm a snob for being a cheerleader, I need other people to talk to," she covered her mouth, "that sounded shallow, and I'm not, I didn't mean to-"

"Kar, don't worry, Rian talks about you all the time, I know you're a sweetheart, and I wouldn't mind making new friends."

"Well, stick to me and Rian, Alex you need to work on. He can be nice when he wants, but you've seen what he can do."

She glared down at her book, "I have."

The brunette grabbed her hand, "I saw the look you had when you found out Lisa was dating him, it was quick but I caught it. I don't know if you've got something for him or you were just in shock or angry; but listen, don't let him under your skin don't trust him no matter what."

"I just want to believe that he's a good person, for the baby's sake."

"Yeah, me too Raylee."
♠ ♠ ♠
A longer update and it has Derek :)