Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

Like Clock Work She's in Control

Lisa ran her index finger under her freshly glossed lips, pouting her petal lips in the mirror and smiling at the perfection she saw. Her baby blue eyes lit up as she started to fluff her freshly curled blonde strands; after a few spritzes of hairspray she moved on to coated her eyelids with pale brown eyeshadow.

She walked into her room, pulling a lavender tank top and rock-washed shorts over her lace underwear. The blonde slipped her feet into white tennis shoes and bent to tighten the laces. After grabbing a sheer cropped hoddie she walked out the door, walking down the end of the block to her school.

As she walked into the back parking lot she spotted her boyfriend, she skipped after him and threw her arms around his neck before kissing him. Alex wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they headed into school.

"So, what are we going to do today after school?"

"I have a project due, I didn't get to work on it during the weekend because of the gig."

"So what!" Lisa said pinching his ribs, "It's not like you care about your grades, you're going to be a musician not a college grad."

He eyed his girlfriend for a moment before withdrawing his arm. She looked at the classroom door and made a face as he didn't make a move to enter it.

"Aren't you coming to class?"

"I have to do something first," he said looking down the hall as Raylee walked away from Kara and Rian.


"So Darcy, are you always this quiet? We've been here two weeks and you still haven't said a word. I probably wouldn't know you had a voice if it weren't for our classes together."

The honey haired girl looked at her roommate not knowing what exactly they were supposed to talk about. Yeah, they had to spend the next several months together in their room and in their classes, but Darcy didn't want to make any friends, it would just make it harder to get away.

"Sarah, don't take it personally, I only had one friend at my school."

"So I could be your one friend here."

She let out a sigh, "Okay. What do you want to talk about?"

"Did you want to have baby?"


"Is the dad still in the picture?"

"Not by either of our choices, but by the contract the judge put us in."

The red head nodded, "That's sad; my boyfriend and I wanted this, we agreed that I should come here so that we'd have experience. We're both emancipated, had bad families, we stuck together through everything. We wanted to have kids as soon as possible because we knew we were cut out for it."

"I'm happy for you," Darcy said dully as she opened up her notebook to start her homework.

"Do you have a boyfriend at least?"

"I think so."

The girl made a face.

"Before I left, someone made it very clear that they have feelings for me. I sit here everyday wishing he was here, my feelings are getting stronger."

"You'll be together when you get home, how sweet!"

"If he still wants me."

"Why weren't you together before?"

Darcy didn't feel comfortable answering that so she put her pen to her page, "Enough questions for today, why don't we just get our work done?"

"Sounds good," the chipper girl replied as she walked over to her backpack.


"So guess what," Alex said as he leaned over to pick up a box full of paper towels.


"I dumped Lisa."

"Wow, not even twelve hours passed and you listened to me."

He watched as Raylee turned around to hide her delighted expression, "You should have seen it, she threw her lunch tray on the floor she was so angry. I told her as she was approaching the table, I was like Lisa, things are changing, I don't see myself with you anymore."

"That wasn't sincere."

"And?" Alex asked as he placed the box down, watching the slender girl stack the tissue boxes on the shelf. "It's not like she deserved a long explanation; it just would have made her hate you."

"She already does."

"Who cares, right?"

"My point," she turned from the shelf to look at him for a moment, "do you want help at the animal shelter tonight? Kara said she can't make it, and that'll just leave you there and someone at the desk."

"I would love to spend more time with you."

Raylee eyed him, "Was that sarcasm? I'm just trying to help you-"

He walked over to her, "I was being serious, Rian is always talking about you, I want to see what's under the surface."

She made a face, "You sound like a creeper."

Alex laughed, "I do, don't I? Sorry. Look, I'm just saying, us being friends would imply knowing each other."


"And as a thank you for all of your help, and you giving me another chance, I'll treat you to dinner at any vegetarian-friendly place we can find."

"It's one thing to be kind Alex," she said taking a step away from him, "and it's another to be psycho-friendly."

"I'm new at this, give me a break."
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't like this chapter, but have the time when I don't like it you guys don't seem to have a problem with it... so I just posted it. If no one likes it I can re-write it; if I do I'll put a note here in the next chapter.

The earliest that you'll know is by Sunday...