Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

What Good Will it Do?

Kara walked into the bathroom and looked at the two girls, their faces strict with their anger, neither looked like they would be willing to break the trance. She took a handful of water and threw it in their general direction, they both looked at her.

"You guys don't want to do this, it won't be worth it."

"You're right Kara," Lisa said with a devilish look, "she isn't worth a thing."

The tall girl took Raylee's hand and started towards the door, "You're the one not worth a thing."

The two walked out of the bathroom, Lisa running after them. But she couldn't keep up, they seemed to dissolve in the crowd.

"Alex followed you in there?"

Ray looked at her, "He did, can you believe that?"

"Isn't it obvious? He likes you, he's crazy about you. Alex is trying to keep cool with you, he doesn't want to freak you out by moving in to quickly."

"He does not like me."

"You didn't see it in Jack until I mentioned it, did you?"

"Great, now things will be awkward with Alex."

"Unless you like him."

"I do not like him, I have a boyfriend--"

Kara grabbed her shoulders, "Stop saying that! If Derek was your boyfriend he would have found a way to call you. It's been almost two months since he left, that's enough time to steal a minute phone call at least."

"I don't have to have this conversation."

"What do you have to do? I keep hearing you say 'not' and 'don't' and 'can't'... Raylee, there's nothing holding you back but yourself."

The curly haired girl squinted, "You're lecturing me, why? As far as I'm concerned, I'm doing just fine. I've even helped someone out."

"I'm just speaking from friend-to-friend."

"I have to get to class," Ray said pulling away and walking down the hall.

Kara sighed and started towards the art hallway when Alex caught up to her. He took her books for her and got a soft smile, he followed behind her and only started to talk when the classroom was in sight.

"Is everything okay?"

"I upset Raylee, I didn't mean to... I was just telling her what was on my mind."

"I'll talk to her."

"I don't think she'll want that."


"I kinda mentioned that you liked her."


"I'm sorry, she just doesn't get why you care so much. I don't think she believes me anyway."

"It's not like she'd ever have feelings for me."


Alex pulled up to the brick house, getting out and walking up to the front door. He waited patiently behind the screen, when the door opened he put on a smile. The older man eyed him before stepping outside and pushing him along to the curve.

"My daughter does not want to talk to you."

"I didn't do anything."

"I know you didn't but she says she's done her part, she doesn't want to be around you and your friends anymore."


"Go home son, find another girl's head to screw around with."

"I didn't do a thing to her, I've been nothing but caring. I like your daughter, I-- I want nothing more than her respect, to go out with her."

"She doesn't date."

Alex looked down at the pavement, "I know she'll never like me, but it's too hard to not have her around, she's changed me so much and I don't want to go back to the careless person I was."

"Raylee knows that's a possibility, that's why the party is the last chance you have to prove yourself to her. I don't want your ex messing around with her anymore, she's upset enough."

"Lisa didn't hurt her physically, did she?"

The man looked at the dog house on the side of the lawn, "Her brother's a pretty careless drunk."

His eyes grew wide, "I'll go talk to them."
♠ ♠ ♠
I HATE this chapter, so not what I've been trying to write. The party will be in the chapter after the next.