Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

A Heart of a Fool

Darcy stared blankly at her wall, not knowing what to do. She basically felt like she couldn't function, she always spent this day with Raylee, it just didn't feel right without her. The girl turned her reflection to the full length mirror on her door, she looked at her long light brown hair and smiled as she came up with an idea.

She crossed her room, pulling out a new outfit, she looked at the clock and smiled. Darcy decided that she would make the most of her day alone, make it worth the fight with Ray. She changed into the clothes that were laying on her bed and went into the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

She walked downstairs and grabbed her older brother's arm, "You're driving me somewhere."

"Where's Ray? You guys don't go anywhere, what's the occasion."

"The occasion is: I pissed her off and now I'm alone. So I was thinking, without her I could try to get a taste of popularity... you're driving me to the party tonight."

"I'm not even going to this one, there's going to be a lot of drugs."

"I don't care!" the young girl stressed, "I need to go."

"Darce, as your older brother, it's my job to take care of you. So I'm going to do my part and not drive you, I'll tell mom so she won't drop you off anywhere near it." He got up and started to walk out of the room but she grabbed his arm, "Pleading won't get you anywhere."

"Oh, I'm not pleading big bro, I'm leaving a threat. You tell mama that and I'll tell her how you paid someone for a fake report card. I still don't know how you're going to fake graduation since you're fail-" she smiled as he covered her mouth, he dropped his hand and she spoke again, "so where's your keys?"

"We'll only go for two hours, I'll tell mom I'm taking you to the movies."

"Did I ever tell you I love you?" she asked grabbing her jacket and following him out to the car.

"Only when you get your way."

Darcy buckled her belt and did a little victory dance as he pulled out of the driveway. Derek rolled his eyes at his younger sister, he turned on the radio causing her to scrunch up her face.

"Why do you listen to that?"

"You'll be listening to that at the party, get over it. Why do you want to go, anyway?"

"Alex is going to be there."

"So what?" he replied, "He probably doesn't even know your name."

"I don't care, he looked at me. If I start going to these parties and making myself visible, he'll know me."

"You know that Raylee isn't going to like this."

"So? She's mad at me because I keep talking about him and she thinks he won't like me -- I want to prove her wrong."

"Darce, this isn't-"

She turned the dial, turning the radio up to block out her brother's lecture. She didn't need everyone in her life to tell her how to live it; she wasn't a little child, she knew what she was doing... or at least she thought she did.

Derek led her into the party, his hand on her lower back as they walked through the crowded house. He sat her on the couch and told her not to move, he came back and handed her a cup, sitting down next to her. She took one sip and made a face.

"Why am I drinking water?"

"You convinced me to bring you to the party, but I am not letting you drink alcohol."

"Are you?"

"I'm eighteen, I'm an adult. I can make my decisions, you are a minor - therefore, an adult must make them for you."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm going to enjoy the party, have fun being a loser."

Alex looked around at all the girls at the party from the kitchen, mentally taking note on how much each girl had drunk. His eyes fell on the brown eyed girl he had seen earlier in the hallway, she was clasping a red cup in her hands. He wasn't sure how much she had to drink, but from the look on her face that afternoon when he'd run into her friend, Alex knew that the girl was intoxicated by him without any help.

He approached her, a soft smile on his face, "Hey, Darcy."

She looked up at him with wide eyes, "You know my name? Wow."

"Of course I know your name," he replied, leaning on the wall.

Alex wasn't telling the complete truth, he only knew her name because it was fresh in his head. If it were yesterday, he wouldn't have any idea. He only knew because the nameless girl he ran into (we know her name is Raylee but he doesn't) had called out the other girl's name as she left.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oh, just checking things out. My friend ditched me, so I was like, why not?"

Alex took her by the elbow, "So why don't I show you around? I've been here a couple times, you should see the upstairs."

Her smile grew, spending time with him was one of her most wildest dreams -- she just didn't realize how personal his tour was going to get.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm just wondering how everyone who isn't commenting is feeling about this? I am still a little unsteady about this story, but I hope I can get balanced and get my head into it and write it to it's full potential.

Thanks for reading :)