Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

You're What Makes Me Want to Change Things

Alex looked down from the television as the credits started to play, Raylee had fallen asleep on his lap halfway through the movie. He gingerly ran his hand over her curls, brushing them away from her face. A stray hair tickled her nose, causing her to stir, when she realized she was asleep on his lap she sat up, hitting his chin with the top of her head.


Ray covered her mouth as she watched him rub his chin, "I'm so sorry."

He shook his head, not angry with her, and he got off her bed. He grabbed his shoes and started for her door, when he turned around, he caught a glimpse of her sad expression before she covered it up with a soft smile.

"Let me walk you to the door," she went to stand up but he put his hands on her shoulder.

"You were on your feet enough today," Alex kissed her forehead, "good night."

As he started to pull away she covered his face with her hands, staring into his eyes with a stern expression. Raylee let go but took grip of his wrist so he couldn't walk away, she took a deep breath before talking.

"What are you keeping from me, there's something up with you today."

"Oh I don't know, I spent last night in a jail cell."

She raised a brow, "I'm being serious, Alex."

He let out a sigh and sat next to her, causing her to let his wrist free. He ran a shaky hand through his untamed hair and avoided looking into her eyes as she talked.

"Look, from the moment I stepped into your life, all I have been doing is causing trouble. That man at the bar could have hurt you, Manny could have to. I want you to be safe, I'm being selfish by keeping you in my life. Good bye, Raylee."

"You can't do this," she took his face into her hands again, making him look at her, "we've established too much to let it go. I make these choices too, I put myself in danger."


"You saved me both times and I am so grateful, I don't want you to second guess yourself over bad people."

"What if I don't notice next time?"

"Then like you said to Lisa, I'm a strong girl, I can defend myself," Raylee scooted a little closer to him, "and when I want something, I don't let it go easily."

"What exactly are you wanting?" he asked in return, moving himself closer as well.

A knock on the door frame caused them to turn and look, Mr. Jones was watching them carefully, his expression not giving away any emotion. He trusted Raylee to stick to her wits, but he wasn't sure how strong things were between them.

"Alex, you should be headin' home."

"Yes sir," he turned back to Ray and caressed her cheek for a moment, "see you on Monday."

"Bye," she let her eyes follow him out the door, she walked to the stair well and waved at him before he walked out the door.
Her father stood next to her and cleared his throat, "So, what's going on between you two, you looked pretty close in there."

"I think I like him, daddy," she brushed back her messy hair, "I'm just afraid that he doesn't like me."

"I'm sure he does."


Darcy threw her stuff down on the living room floor of the apartment, her fingertips searching for a light switch on the wall, she flicked it and her eyes fell on old furniture, her face twisted in disgust.

"This is home!" Derek said wrapping his arms around her from behind, "We're going to live a perfect life."

She pulled away from him, "If you say so."

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

Darce walked further into the house, not planning on replying to him. She fell to the dusty blue colored couch and put her legs up on the coffee table, closing her eyes and acting like she was trying to get some rest. Derek couldn't help but feel like she'd been using him, but he needed to give her a chance to unravel, he was expecting a lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lousy update, but I have a cool idea; read on:

I'm going to be ending this soon. Don't worry, there will be a sequel. I would like someone to help me write it, but I don't have any idea how I would pick out of the 200+ people who read this story. So, I'm going to start a contest. I will write what I want to happen in a chapter, and you will write ti -- whoever writes the best chapter will have it posted and help me with the sequel.

Here's the forum.