Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

I Don't Want to Live a Day Without a Piece of You

Raylee ran her fingers through the dog's hair, she buried her face into Sandy's coat and let out a sigh. She didn't feel like getting out of bed, the dog's head shot up and her ears were perky as she went over to the door and scratched at the woodwork.

"Sandy!" the teenager scolded, being forced out of bed, she pulled back the door and crossed her arms when she saw Alex. "Go away!"

"Your dad said I could come up, why aren't you dressed?"

"I don't see why I should be, it's Saturday and not even close to noon yet."

He leaned against her door frame, "I thought you would be excited for today, I'm driving you to the doctors to get that cast thing off," he smiled at her, "maybe we can go roller skating or something afterwards."

"That wouldn't be good for my ankle," Raylee replied as she walked up to him, she pushed his shoulders gently and he backed out of the room, "let me get changed."

She threw her shorts and tank top onto her bed so she could wear then again that night, Sandy followed her as she grabbed a tee white shirt from her closet, she slipped on gray sweat pants and opened her door again. Alex brushed back her bangs and pulled her face close to his so he could get a kiss, the girl wrapped her arms around his torso for a moment before stepping back and grabbing her hair brush.

"You amaze me," her boyfriend said as he climbed onto her bed, pretending not to examen her inside out pajamas.

"Why is that?"

"You're not like all the other girls, you don't prance around in skirts and glittery tops. You wear what's comfortable, you don't even mess with your makeup or your hair. "

She dropped her hands and put her brush back on her dresser, "I can't tell if you're complementing me or insulting me?"

Alex crossed the room and took her into his arms, "Complementing. Now let's go before they make you change the date for taking so long. We need to do something fun before summer starts."

She followed him out the door and waved at her parents, she clung to his side when he grabbed her hand. The two climbed into the vehicle, the girl clipped her belt and glared at the window. She couldn't even think about having her parents drive her around anymore, or having an escape to a band meet or just hanging out with at least five other people to watch a movie with tons of junk food.

"Ray, tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm afraid you're going to forget about me if you go on tour. I don't want any other girls to come into the picture. But that's being selfish, because it's your dream, you're not going to stop me from going to college and I can't stop you from this."

"I won't forget you, I'm going to call you everyday even if I don't have a thing new to say."

"Promise me?"

He looked at her tear coated face and nodded, "Nothing will stop me from doing that if it makes you happy."

She smiled and wiped at her tears.

"Are you going to come to the party next weekend?"

A small laugh left her mouth before she spoke, "As long as you don't make me break my ankle again," she shrugged, "I'll probably go for a little while, but I don't want to hog you, you have a lot of friends to say bye to."

Alex pulled into the parking lot of the doctors office, he wanted to tell her that he'd rather spend all the time he had left before the tour, but he didn't want to get too clingy. He just walked around and opened the door for her, following her into the building and wrapping his arm around her until they reached their floor.

"We should go pick out an outfit for next weekend," she said as they sat down on the uncomfortable chairs.

"What do you mean?"

"Kara always dresses me, I want to see what I learned from her."

He shrugged, "Okay, as long as you'll let me buy it for you. If I'm taking my girlfriend to the mall I'm inclined to do two things, one: buy her stuff, and two: show her off."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is honestly is a boring chapter, sorry guys. I'm in the 'I need to get out of school' mode, I don't know how often I'll be updating after next Monday since they're taking the laptops from us, which sucks. But, I will try to get on frequent enough so that there are at least two updates a week... the story should be done soon enough, probably by mid-July.