Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

Take a Step Further Back to Where You Belong

Darcy walked down the stairs, her hair a mess and her shirt on crooked. As she hit the bottom stair her brother grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her out of the party, she didn't have time to react; when cool air hit her face, she started to protest.

"What is your problem!?" he yelled at her, opening up the passenger side door and shoving her in. "How could you do that, do you know how much trouble I am going to be in?"

"Calm down Derek, mom doesn't have to know."

The older boy started the engine, "The only reason she is going to know is because I am going to beat that guy to a pulp."


"Stop!" he screamed, his anger bubbling over. "Darcy, how could you sleep with him? He's Class A bad material," he told her, his voice lowered, "I know you liked him, but he doesn't care about any of the girls he sleeps with. You're like some trophy to him, he's keeping score, I just know it."

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it."

"Kissing him back, you can't help that; letting him in your pants, you can."

"I won't do it again."

"You already gave away something you're supposed to give to someone special, someone who will take care of you and love you. I just can't even explain how mad I am at you, and how mad I am at myself for bringing you."

"I can tell by all your yelling," she spat, causing him to glare at her.

He pulled up to the curb of their house but didn't shut off the engine, "Tell mom I'll be home soon."

"Where are you going?"

"It doesn't matter, just go tell her."

"Derek, I'm not getting out until you promise me that you're not going back to that party to hurt Alex."

"I'm not going back to the party," he assured her, because he wasn't, he was going to Alex's house.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get home."


Raylee placed her bag over her shoulder as she washed her hands in the sink, she avoided looking at her reflection in the mirror across from her face. She shut the faucet off and walked over to the paper towels, taking one to dry her hands. Darcy burst-ed into the school's bathroom, going straight to the first open stall and coughing up the contents of her stomach.

Ray rushed over, holding her friend's hair back, since the girl hadn't had a chance to shut the stall door before she started vomiting. With her free hand, she rubbed Darcy's back, wondering why her friend was sick.

The girl with light brown hair pulled away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before stepping on the bar to flush the toilet. She walked over to the sinks and splashed cold water on her face before resting her elbows on the porcelain and staring at her pale reflection.

"Are you okay?" Raylee asked softly.

"My stomach is upset."

"I can see that, what did you eat?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, obviously something that didn't agree with me. Or maybe seeing that my brother lied to me? I walk into school and the first thing I hear about is Alex's bruised eye."

"How do those two things correspond?"

"Well, since you didn't come over on Friday, I went to the party. While I was wondering around I ran into Alex, one thing led to another and-"

Raylee scoured at her, "How could you lose your virginity to someone so careless!? He doesn't even know you and you get into bed with him."

"He knew my name."

"I called your name when you were standing across from him in the hallway, that's probably the only reason he knows Darce. Please tell me that you two had some type of protection."

"Why would I tell you?"

"One, I am your best friend and you should tell me these things. Two, you're sick to the stomach, you might be pregnant; your body isn't used to what's going on, so it's going to try to fight it off."

"I am not pregnant."

"You may not be, but you are avoiding my question."

"Okay, we didn't."

"You are so foolish!" the wavy haired girl said as she brought her eyebrows together, not caring how mean she was sounding, "Give me the necklace back."

Darcy looked down at the simple necklace that was around her neck, the charm was a little silver bird, "Why?"

"I gave you that when we agreed that we would keep ourselves pure for someone who loves us, who we love. I want it back."

Annoyed she unclasped it and handed it over, "Have it your way, you'll feel stupid when Alex and I are together."

Raylee let out a sigh, following her friend out of the bathroom. Her eyes fell on the boy everyone seemed to be so obsessed with, a satisfied smile rose to her lips when she saw the damage Derek took on his face. He deserved it, taking advantage of hopeless girls who had a thing for him.

Darcy put on a smile and waved at him, "Hi, Alex!"

He glanced at her and kept walking, Jack was besides him as they continued to class.

"Did you see that? I am going to kill Derek, now he's mad at me."

"Alex probably doesn't even recognize you, he might have been drunk when he slept with you. Hell, he could have slept other girls over the weekend; he might not know that you and Derek are related."

"How dare you say that!" the girl's muddy brown eyes were wide, "Why can't you accept that things are working out for me?"

"I would accept them, if they were really what you're making them out to be. Take a step back Darcy, look at what you're saying."
♠ ♠ ♠
No one seems to like Darcy, you all think she's foolish. And she is supposed to be, she's meant to contrast Raylee, make her look more sophisticated. Also, as I have told a few of you, Darcy will get what she deserves...

I keep updating this because I have no ideas for my slash, (for those of you who are wondering why this is the only story of mine getting updated.)