Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

My Bloodshot Eyes

The day was at its very end, and it was two hours before Kara and Raylee would take their flight home.

Kara and Rian were sitting on top of a small hill in the back of the venue, over looking the brightly illuminated city below.
Raylee, on the other hand, was trying to find someone.

The All Time Low bus was packed with people, none of which were her boyfriend, and she really didn't like parties, so here she was, walking around the empty venue.

At the foot of the large hill, she sat and pulled her knees up to her chest.
Never had she felt so alone.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but the sky was no longer blue and pink.
The clouds were an array of oranges and deep reds, and the sun was low in the sky.
She checked her phone to find it was 7:30; she still had an hour before she and Kara needed to leave.

She looked up at the hill, seeing the silhouettes of a couple, immediately knowing who they belonged to.

She walked towards the busses, once more to find her boyfriend.
She heard faint giggling but thought nothing of it.
It was coming from behind the All Time Low bus.

"Alex," a girl said, laughing.
Now, Raylee was suspicious.

There was a laugh, well known to Raylee's ears.
She found herself walking behind the bus to see a random blonde girl, latched to none other than Alex.

"Alex?" she felt herself choke out, but the voice that came out of her mouth didn't sound like her own.
She sounded like a little girl who's favorite toy had just been taken away.

His head snapped up and he began to stammer and stumble over himself.
"Uh, hey...Raylee."

"Who is she?" the blonde attatched to Alex's hip asked.

Before Alex could even get an answer out,
"I'm his girlfriend," Raylee answered.
Alex refused to look up, knowing he had been caught.

The blonde just shrugged and held her hand out.
"I'm Mel, the girl your boy was going to sleep with."
She had a grin on her face, knowing she had just etched under the other girl's skin.

"Alex, how could you?"
Raylee just looked at him for a while, but he didn't answer.
After a few seconds, he looked up to see his girlfriend's bloodshot eyes, tears running down her face.
He wanted to wipe them away, make things better.
But it was too late.

He stared at the girl who had invested so much trust and time into making him a good person, the girl who had changed him.
And he betrayed her.

He stared at her as she broke down in front of him.
What hurt the most was knowing he caused it.

Rian and Kara were making their way to the bus when they found Raylee, Alex, and Mel.
Confused, they walked up to the group.
Right as Kara was about to question the situation at hand, Raylee opened her mouth.

"We need to catch our flight."

The girls retrieved their bags from the bus, and as they stepped out, Raylee stopped.
"I forgot something."

She walked back around the bus, where Alex sat and Mel stood filing her nails.
"Hey Mel, I think you're going to need this."
As Mel turned to see what Raylee was offering, a fist collided with her face.

Alex looked up at her, surprised by her actions.
She'd never done anything like that before.

"Ray-"Alex began, shocked.
"No. Bye Alex," and with that, Rian escorted Raylee and Kara to the airport.

It must have been thirty minutes that girls waited for their flight, Kara and Rian holding eachother.
Raylee had exiled herself to a chair, where she sat reading a magazine, as if nothing had happened.
Finally their flight was called.

Kara and Raylee found their spots in line, all the way in the back.
As Kara boarded and Raylee was giving the woman her ticket, she heard her name being called.
She looked up to see Alex running towards her.
The woman gave her a smile, but Raylee just looked down.

"Raylee, I'm sorry!" he yelled as she began walking away.

"You had your chance, Alex. I'm done."

Alex watched Raylee slip right through his fingers as she boarded the plane.
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't think of anything for a little bit, but yesterday I was getting my hair done and this idea came to me!
I blame the nicely scented conditioner :)