Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

Practice Makes Perfect Sense to Me.

For the girls, the end of summer was approaching quickly.
While Kara's only goal was to get her sleep schedule back to normal, Raylee was more focused on getting ready for school.
Kara still had to get everything packed for the next week, when they would be heading back to school.

Raylee's book bag was almost completely packed, her summer work done and ready to be turned in, so all she had to do was go shopping with Kara.

Kara was very careful around Raylee, knowing anything that would remind her of Alex should be left out.
She saw that under Raylee's mask of strength and poise, there was a shattered little girl.

Kara only saw the girl break down once, on the flight home.
Since then, Raylee had put up the illusion that everything was peachy.
Since Raylee left, Alex didn't even look at another girl.
It made him sick to his stomach to think about what he did to the poor girl.
Rian wasn't really talking to him, and he was begining to get frustrated.

"Bro, just talk to me."
Rian just looked the other way.

"Dude, c'mon!"
Again, Alex's attempts a convorsation were denied.

"Man," he said, in a pleading voice.
His attempts were futile.

Jack, who was sitting on the couch between the two looked like a lost puppy.
"I'm going to hang with Zack," he said, practically sprinting away from the two.

Finally, Rian sighed and turned towards Alex.

"I just need you to understand that I feel like shit for what I did.
Can you please help me get her back?"
Alex was practically begging at this point.

"Dude, you screwed her over big time. I don't even know if she'd take you back, you know that, you know her better than anyone else."
Rian's voice was gentler, seeing Alex's eyes lose their shine.

"I know, but I want back into her life, even if we're only friends. I can't live without her."

Rian looked at his friend with sympathetic eyes.

"Once again, you know her better than anyone else. You're going to have to come up with a plan on your own."

Alex opened her mouth, but Rian continued.

"All I can tell you is be ready to work really hard, getting into her life will not be an easy task.
Her walls are probably sky high right now. Don't mess up."

So now it was Alex's mission to get back into Raylee's life.
He just hoped he wouldn't be too late.
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