Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

I fell into pieces

Raylee spent two whole weeks hurrying to school and back, never stopping at anyone's house or the store.
It was all apart of her plan to avoid Alex.

Despite her attempts, she couldn't get away.

Two whole weeks, she hadn't seen or heard of him.
She assumed the coast was clear.

But a little more than two weeks had passed, and she began getting gifts at her door.

First it was a bundle of roses.
Then there were more and more flowers piling up every day, and every day she had to make an extra trip to the large garbage cans on the side of her house.

Most girls would swoon over the all too cleche "I bought you flowers, I want you back" ordeal.
But this only made Raylee mad.
She figured, if he reallly wanted into her life, he should know how to do it.
He knew her well enough.

But then again, he didn't.
He did cheat on her, after all.

One day, Alex even delivered the flowers himself.
He waited for her to enter her house, then five minutes later knocked on her door.

She opened it, expecting Kara or Rian or really anyone else to be on the other side.
But instead, she was met with Alex Gaskarth's pleading eyes and an obnoxious boquet of roses.

She smiled icily at him, "Oh, thanks."
Then she proceded to throw the flowers across the lawn and slam the door in the boy's face.

Alex stood, motionless on the other side of the door.
He honestly felt like crying.
"Pussy," he called himself and drove home.

After a whole night of thinking about ways to get Raylee back, he decided not to buy her anything.
Kara told him she didn't even what a song sung to her.

Alex sat on his bed and thought further, wondering just what he could do to woo her over.
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EEP! are you guys as excited as I am???