Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

I Know it's Hard to Say, But it's the Truth

Raylee brushed a strand of hair behind her ear before she approached the group of seniors, when Derek spotted her, she couldn't help but feel sheepish as she smiled at him. He stepped away from his friends to meet her halfway, he placed a hand on her shoulder and followed her to her class.

"What's up Junior?"

She smirked, "I wanted to say watch out for your little sister, she wants you dead; but I, I came to say nice job. He deserved worse... I can't believe Darcy did that."

"Me either."

Raylee turned to him when she reached the library, "Did you get in trouble for beating him up?"

"He was so wasted, I heard him in the locker room, he doesn't know who did it to him. All he could talk about was how many girls he slept with; knowing that one was my baby sis, I just wanted to shove him into the locker."

She put a hand on his shoulder and sighed, "Contain yourself, he doesn't know so you're safe... you don't need to get in trouble."

Derek hugged her before walking off towards his classroom, she just looked at him, wondering why someone so stupid--Darcy--deserved someone who cared so much about her? He would do anything to keep her safe, and all she could do was get herself into more trouble.

She ran her fingers through her wavy hair as she took her seat, cracking open her textbook and acting like she was reading it while she let her mind wonder. Ray knew she liked Derek a lot, but it wasn't until she saw how protective he was that she realized how much she liked him, or in what way it was.

Darce took her seat next to her best friend, "It's last period and he still hasn't looked at me. I even walked up to him to say hi, he just nodded at me before walking away. Like, how rude?"

The girl remained in her text book.

"I mean, he was so nice at the party. And he um, you know, was great and all--" she continued on, disrupting the silence of the library.

Raylee lost her patience and slammed her book shut, causing the librarian to hold a finger up to her mouth, she ignored it. "Would you shut up already Darcy!?"

She looked up at her friend with wide eyes, not knowing how to respond.

"Alex probably doesn't remember your name, he doesn't care if you slept with him, he sleeps with people all the time. Can't you just be smart for once an advert danger? Derek shouldn't always have to save you or try to keep you shielded from things you should know to stay away from. You're almost seventeen years old, use the brain in that pretty little head of yours."

"I don't like the way you're talking to me."

"You know what? I don't like acting like we're friends anymore, once you grow up and stop searching for everyone's approval, call me Darce, maybe I'll be welcoming you back in time."

"Ray!" she called after her friend, but the girl kept walking.


Alex sat down on his friend's couch, burring his face in his hands. He hated that he had no idea who beat him, he didn't want to get them in trouble, he just hated that someone felt pride in what they did and he had no idea who, so he couldn't make their life hell.

"We can call the bet off," Jack offered, "I don't think your pretty face needs to get messed up because you slept with someone's girlfriend. If you call it off right now -and only right now, am I offering this- you can just wear a dress, no heels."

"I'm not backing out of a bet as simple as that."

"Going once," he paused for a moment, "going twice."

Rian and Zack remained silent, waiting for their lead singer to give it up and just take the offer, but he didn't. Jack looked down, covering his upset expression with his dark hair. Deep down, he knew that he should just call off the bet himself, but he knew Alex would do it anyway if he was in the mood to be stubborn.

"Fine, not sold," he said looking back up and grabbing his guitar, "are we going to practice or what?"

"Uh, yeah." Alex mumbled as he stood up and walked over to the microphone, "I'm ready."


Raylee opened her front door, and felt her face immediately flush. Her hair in a high messy bun, she was wearing sweat pants a couple sizes too big and her dad's college sweater. Derek smiled at her regardless of her appearance, still confused, the girl stepped back to let him in.

"What's up?" she asked him as she shut the door.

"Oh, nothing really."

Ray stared into his eyes, they weren't the closest of people, but she knew when he was lying. "Seriously, what is it? I'm studying."

"Sorry," he faked a cough and covered his mouth, showing he was uncomfortable, "I wanted to know if she told you anything -- like if Alex forced her, or if he hurt her."

"She didn't bring it up, and before you ask, I can't get it out of her, we're not talking right now."

"I know, Darcy told me, and I respect your decision so I won't ask you to make friends with her, I'll get it out of her some how."

"Derek, she did tell me one thing."

He looked at her as she leaned against the mahogany railing of her stairs.

"She said they didn't use any protection," she lowered the last word so her parents wouldn't hear her, "she was sick this morning, vomiting up everything. I'm only telling you this so you can keep an eye on what she's eating, make sure it's healthy; just 'cause you'll never know if she's carrying a baby Alex until she shows, she won't tell anyone until it's past the abortion stage."

Derek let out a shallow breath, "I am praying that you're lying."

"I'm not," she assured him, "I'm hoping for the best. The last thing she needs is a child from a man who won't own up to the responsibilities of parenthood."

"Why couldn't your logic rub off on her?" he asked.

Raylee blushed again, "Since you're here, do you want dinner? It should be done soon," she glanced towards the dinning room, "I'm sure my mom won't mind another guest."

"Well, if she doesn't mind," he said following her into the other room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. I know that Alex isn't really all you're seeing here, you're mostly seeing about Raylee's life. But that is going to change! I'm going to take a break from this story to finish up my slash, while I'm doing that, I will be working on this story's plot line.

And I'm sure you all can pretty much guess what happened to Darcy.