Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

A Little More You.

Raylee sat at home, tryng to do her homework, when her phone rang.
She was grateful, because she needed a distraction.

"Hello?" She spoke into the device.

"Hey kid!" Lisa's voice rang through.

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

"Do you want to go to the mall? I'm bored and want a shopping buddy," Lisa told her.
Raylee could almost hear her pouting on the other line, which made her want to laugh.

"Uh, sure. When should we get going?"

"I'll pick you up in five," Lisa told her.

"Alright, I'll see you in five,"


It was weird.
Raylee and Lisa had become pretty close to best friends in such a short span of time.
Sure, the only thing they really had in common was Alex, but they later found other things to bond over.
Just the fact that they worked well together and go along was enough..

Raylee fixed her hair a bit, and made her way to the door right as Lisa knocked.

Once at the mall, Raylee followed Lisa's lead.
"Let's go here!" Lisa said, excitedly.

Raylee looked at the store, Hollister, and smelled its odor before she even entered.
She didn't say anything, but followed.

"Okay, you're going to try this, this, and this on," Lisa said, holding up a floral skirt, a tank top, and a cardigan.

Raylee didn't argue and went into the dressing room.
The skirt was finger-tip length, good.
The top showed a bit of skin, but the cardigan did a good job of covering that up.
The outfit was good.

"Show me!" She heard Lisa call from the other side of the door.
She walked out and watched Lisa smile.
"Aw, you look so pretty," she told Raylee.
Raylee turned back into the dressing room to change into her clohes.

When she walked out, Lisa was holding a few articles of clothing.
"My turn!" she said, with a smile.
Raylee laughed at Lisa's enthusiasm and watched as she disappeared into the dressing room.

Less then two minutes later, Lisa appeared in a jean mini skirt and a tank top.
She twirled before looking at Raylee.
"What do you think, young Raylee?"

"You look swell," she said, laughing

The rest of the evening went along like that, until it was time to go.
It was about 9:30 when Lisa dropped Raylee off at home.

She walked up to her door to find a light pink, folded piece of paper taped to it.
She opened it and read it.

"This is your first piece of the puzzle. Saturday at 2:00, go to the park.
You'll know what you're looking for when you see it.

Raylee wondered if going was something she really wanted to do.
♠ ♠ ♠

Stays Four the Same is now one of my favorite songs.
I thought the Ready Set sucked at first. I thought it was just one dude with a synthesizer, hoping to get famous.
But, I witnessed this magestic being live, a full band, no synthesizer, a real singer, good stage presence, and they knew how to conduct a crowd.
Go see them.
(They are currently on the Summer Camp for the Dope Awesome kids tour :D)