Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

Chains Bound by Your Words

Alex pressed the pearl colored doorbell with his free hand; on his right hip sat his son, Jackson. He didn't much approve of the name, nut he didn't want a small thing create an argument that could keep him from his child any longer. During the last year, he started to feel like he could be a proper father (due to the compliments people gave him when they were together, especially his parents.) But he wished that Raylee had stuck around to share this wonderful experience with him - the success that she had helped him achieve.

The door swung open, revealing a distraught teen mother. Darcy took her child and waved for Alex to come in. She sat her son in the bouncey and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Have you talked to Raylee yet?"

The look on the boy's face made her regret asking. Even though they hadn't talked much since they decided to share custody of Jackson, she could tell he still missed her. Knowing how he was, she could tell Holly was just a way to cope with the pain.

"Alex honey, I'm sorry things are this way. Ray is just stubborn, and you gave her all that you could. Hol seems like a nice girl, you might have a keeper."

"I just want to go back to the first day I noticed her and change what I did."

"You mean screwing me over?"


"It's water under the bridge, I could have stood up for myself like Derek and Ray wanted me to. But I just went along with what you wanted and things didn't go as planned."

"Speaking off..." he trailed off curiously.

"He picked up the last of his things today, we're done. I just need to focus on Jackson and making a good life for him."

Alex smiled at her, "Let me know if you need anything - I'm here to help."

"I like what she did with you," the girl blurted, "She saw past your mistakes to this amazing guy right here."

"Please, don't remind me of her, Darcy."


The campus was coated in the last snow fall of the season as Raylee buried her hands into the pockets of her fuzzy coat. Her backpack thumped against her backside as she rushed across the complex to her next class. Just as she felt herself slipping, a hand grabbed her arm, bracing her from the patch of ice she hadn't noticed.

"Be careful."

She looked up to thank her savior, but was met by the eyes of her date from a little over a week prior, "Hey Sam, thanks."

"Anytime. Which class are you off to?"


"Let me walk you, or keep you from slipping again."

She stuck her tongue out at him but obliged, continuing towards her next class with his arm around hers. Although Raylee felt a little awkward and out of place, she didn't let it show on her face. She really liked Sam, but just not on the level to be in a serious relationship with him - which is why she frowned at the look on his face as they got to the literary building.

Sam ignored her expression, "I've been busy with mid-terms, but I've meant to call you. Since I've got you right here, what do you say to another date Raylee?"

She just stared at him, not really knowing how to answer. The coldness of the winter air caused her thoughts to take longer to process. She knew that she hadn't liked Alex from the start, but now she couldn't get him out of her head. She decided that the best she could do was give this guy another shot, since there was nothing wrong with him.

"I'd like that," she hugged him, "give me a call with details, I'm going to be late otherwise."

Raylee's curls danced around her face as she bounced on her heels to the beat of the music. She was at the one thing she promised herself she'd never go to -- a dorm party. But for the first time, she completely trusted her date not to push himself on her; she knew to just get away if she felt like a guy was trying to take advantage of her.

The live band was causing an uneasy feeling in her stomach, they were reminding her too much of how Alex and Rian introduced her to music. But the laughter that Sam was making as they enjoyed their night, made it a little easier to forget. It was when they were dancing face to face that she realized she couldn't do this to him, she needed to break it off before things got out of control. She just couldn't see herself with him.

"What are you doing?" she asked as low as she could when his face got closer to her's.

"I was going to kiss you."

"I just-"

"Was it too fast, I'm sorry. I'm not good at judging that kind of thing."

She made a face, "I'm just not into you in that way."
♠ ♠ ♠
A little short. Sorry guys. I've had so much on my hands right now.