Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

Tired of Getting Walked on

The hallways of Dulaney were full from wall to wall, no one noticed Raylee as she squatted down by her locker, taking her fist to the metal a few times, since it refused to open, even as she put in the correct combination. Annoyed with people kicking her feet as she walked, she stood up, a moment passed before she kicked the lock.

"Please open locker," she sighed as she twisted the combination in again.

"Are you always a damsel in distress?"

Raylee looked up at the sound of a voice, her eyes fell on the cocky boy with a bruised face. She ignored him, turning her attention back to her locker. She could feel him looking at her, but she acted like it didn't phase her, she figured he'd go away.

"I don't bite," Alex knelt down and brushed her hands away, "What's the combo?"

"I'm not giving it to you," she stood up and walked towards the hallway where Derek's locker was, she could trust him not to steal her things.

"Girl, wait!"

Ray wished she could be more annoyed by that, but no one knew her name, she was used to it. She continued walking until she felt a hand on her arm, she turned around with a furious expression as she stared up at the boy at least five inches taller than her.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on me!" she pulled her arm away and turned around, colliding into someones chest, she looked up to see Derek, he didn't look happy at all.

"Are you bothering her, Gaskarth?"

"Am I bothering you?" the coffee haired boy set his eyes on Raylee.

"Yes, you are," she replied, "did you think I was enjoying running away?"

"Some girls like to have guys chase them."

"Stop talking to her," Derek said, his voice short and defensive, "If I find out you even look at her again, I'll make sure no one will be able to tell it's you this time."

"You're the one who beat me up?" Alex asked, his eyes running over the male about his height, but with broader shoulders and a little more muscle tone. "You dating this girl, I bumped into her in the hallway and picked up her books, that's a reason to beat me?"

"I only punched you for hooking up with my naive little sister."

"Oh, that annoying chick?"

Raylee could see the anger growing on Derek's face, she took his hand to avoid him fighting again, "I need help with my locker, I was looking for you."

His expression softened as he looked at her, "Okay."


Darcy walked into her room, dropping her book bag on the floor and instantly noticing the paper bag on her vanity. She sat down on the plush chair and picked up the note that was on top of it. She held the paper between her fingers, knowing it was from Derek by the handwriting.

This is just in case, you need to know. You don't have to tell me what the answer is unless you want to... Hoping for the best, because I love you.

The girl furrowed her brows before opening the paper bag, inside were two boxes, both containing a pregnancy test. She let out a sigh, wondering if Raylee had said anything to him about what she had confessed -- but she doubted that, she knew even though they weren't best friends anymore, Ray could keep a secret.

She took the bag into her tiny bathroom and opened up one of the packages, holding it under herself as she peed. She placed the plastic test on the counter and read the instructions, it said to wait five minutes. Darcy walked into her room again, pulling out her textbook so she could start her homework and give the test time to work.

She put her worksheet back into her folder several minutes later and shut the textbook, looking at the clock. It was officially ten minutes since she peed on the stick, and all she wanted was someone to go in there with her, she was afraid.

Darc got the courage to look at the test and nearly dropped it as she slid to the floor, her back pressed up against the glass that surrounded her shower. She was sixteen --seventeen in a couple months--, and she was pregnant. She had no idea how to be a mother, she had no idea if she wanted to be a mother. Worse yet, she knew deep down that the baby wouldn't have it's father around.

She rushed into her room, dialing Raylee's number.

"Hello?" a slightly distant voice asked.

Darcy hung up the phone, realizing that she was also without a best friend. She grabbed a lock of her hair as she went to sit on her bed, trying to figure out how she could get her best friend back. The first step was probably to stop obsessing over Alex, but how could she now? She was carrying his baby for god sakes.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a little short.
But do you guys ever have the same problem as Raylee with your locker? I do all the time, the thing is so stupid, it makes me late to class.