Status: Finished.

He's Dying to Get Inside

I Hit the Bottom so Fast

Raylee twirled the dial, locking her locker before standing up. She was met by Derek's chest for the second time that day. She smiled at him, noticing his lips curl upward as soon as he looked into her eyes.

"So, Darce left early, would you like me to walk you home?"

"That sound's nice," she replied, picking her backpack up off the ground.

Before Raylee had a chance to put it over her shoulder, Derek took it, slugging it over his own. He put his hand on her lower back and led her down the hallway; she could feel her classmates staring at her as she walked with him, he wasn't popular, but she was definitely a no one. Everyone knew that he was her best friend's older brother, but still, he was the buff guy and she was the nerd; no one had anticipated this.

"So..." she set her eyes on the ground as he dropped his hand.

"I don't know what to say either," he told her, "I just figured you shouldn't be walking by yourself."

"No one is going to hurt me."

"You don't know."

"Did you find out anything from Darcy?" she asked, wanting to change the subject.

He cleared his throat, "I left her a pregnancy test, she hasn't said anything to me. But judging from the fact that she left school after talking to Alex, I'm guessing that she is carrying his child and he wants nothing to do with it."

Raylee ran her hand over her face, annoyed that her friend had put herself in such a position. "Why did she even tell him?"

"She has it in her head that he'll like her."

"Alex Gaskarth, that boy is bad news, he won't ever fall for anyone, I know it. If he ever tries to lay a finger on me, I swear-"

"I won't let him."

"Derek, why are you being so defensive over me?" she couldn't help but ask, everything followed rules for her everything went by the book, but this wasn't by the book.

He didn't reply, he just tilted her face upward lowering his lips close to hers. She could feel his breath on her face, making her close her eyes and wait. But Derek pulled away, turning to look toward her house at the feeling of someone staring at them.

"What is this!?" Darce asked, standing up from the steps.

Ray stepped back, her face covered in shock, "I um, I, I-"

He handed her her backpack and started toward his own home, "I knew you wouldn't like me."

"Derek, wait!" she started toward him but Darcy pulled her arm.

"What are you doing with my brother? Is that why you don't want to be friends, because you want to hook up with him?"


"Oh, you tell me that I don't act my age, that I make all the wrong choices. How could you like my brother!?"

"Darcy, I'm going to sound really mean now. We're not friends, I can do what I want. At least I won't end up like you, mixed in some stupid fantasy, Alex won't ever love you."

The light haired girl stared at Raylee, her eyes full of tears. She just shook her head, not knowing what to say, and took off, catching up with her brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry guys. I don't believe I mentioned it on this story, but I am in the process of moving. So when I'm not packing, I have to help my mom watch my baby brother. Other times, I just have tons of homework, like lately. The bad part is I won't have a computer after Friday, only in school, where I should be working on my Graphics projects (like now). So this is the best I can do, I'll update as I can. I apologize.