Sitting In My Trackie Bums!


Some people are popular, well liked and pretty. I can tell you right now I am none of these things. Some people have a good time in life, they achieve. I do not. And now my life has just got ten times worse.

I can't believe this. My life has just got a thousand times worse. Not that my life was bad before. I had a few problems of course, the very occasional pimple, sometimes my girlfriends found out I was two timing them (sometimes even four timing), once I lost my keys. To my jag.
But I didn't mind, I still had the Ferrari...and the porche...and the Aston. Speaking of cars, the first car I had was extremely embarrassing, It was a convertible. A two seater. Very unmanly. The chicks don't dig it. But whatever, they still love me.
They wont love this.

<John Brown.The Vicar>

Oh here she comes.What was her name? Rachel? I look down to my notes. Ah yes, Rachel. Nice boobs Rach. Quite pretty too. I scan the pews for another double D's in the audience. There's a few good looking chicks on the grooms side, but they have unfortunately got all covered up.

The Brides side has hotties. Ooh look the bridesmaid behind is even bigger than the bride, only because shes severely overweight and looks about 50. At least she has nice tits. Ooh look's like gramps thinks so too. The other bridesmaid is even uglier than the boobs with the 50 year old lady attached. She looks about 14.

<Rick.The groom>
She looks stunning. I have had five marriage proposal's in my life. Most of them from teenage girls,well they're bound to be attracted to a rich man. I have only accepted one. That was my last wife and shes now happily divorced living in a flash apartment with her boyfriend.

I have only made one proposal and that was to Rachel. The most amazing woman in the world. Apart from my mum. No shes definitely the most amazing.
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This chapter was by yobbo and bobanon