Sitting In My Trackie Bums!

Sugar Puffs

Keith is calling up Rachel with a phone card to announce that shes an aunt.
''I don't know whats happening in there but its my bubba-kins and I'm going in no matter what!'' Says Derek and he charges upstairs bringing crisps just as 'Dorothy The Dinosaur' starts playing.


''Can I please come in?''Derek asks.
''No,I don't think so.'' Auntie says.
''I have crisps.'' He replies.
Kathy turns around and we all nod at her enthusiastically.
''Come in!'' Polly shouts.
He charges in and chucks the crisps on the bed,we all dig in.
''Wa-hey!'' Shouts Tracy happily.
''Oh what a beautiful baby.'' Sniffs Derek.
''Im an Aunt!'' Shouts Auntie.
''You already were an aunt.'' I say.
'' Im an Aunt again!'' She shouts.
''Well you never actually stopped being an Aunt.'' Polly says.
''Now I have a niece!''
''You already had a niece.'' I say.
''Its a girl?!'' Derek says ''Good,I don't like playing football. Um Poll?''
''Yes Derry?'' She asks with a playful wink.
''Why is she Asian?''
''Shes just got a squint.'' Polly replies.
She also has jet black hair but that could be a coincidence.
''I have squinty eyes don't I Polly!'' He exclaims.
''Yes you do Derry.'' She winks again and smacks his bum.
''Ow! What was that for?'' He asks.
''Oh sorry Derry,I thought it would be sexy...''
''Well it just hurt but seeing as your my Polly,I'll let you off.''
''Thanks Derek.'' She winks.
''Is there something in your eye?'' He asks.
''No why?''
''You keep blinking...It looks sore.'' He replies.
''Oh..yeah. Anyway photos!'' She shouts.
Derek,Polly and the baby all gather together and Gerry-Helga pulls out her camera.
''One,two,four!'' Kathy shouts and they do the trade mark gang face,nose pressed down,eyes looking up (not to be confused with the nose up eyes down look of the gangs enemy 'the pack'. 'Pack of animals' Aunty calls them.
''Beautiful.'' I lie.
''Alright call everyone in,we would like to do a group shot.''
''Why are you being the photographer?'' I huff.
''I was a professional photographer in the ninety's.'' She says looking Superior.
''Ofcourse,GHGH was a household name.''
''GHGH?'' I ask.
''Gereldine Helga Gayle Hobson.''
''Thats your name?''
''That was my name.'' She says.
An erie silence occurs.
''Right group photo!''
We all gather around and pull the face. Chad and Jace decided to stay out of that one.
''Right,now we will announce the name!''
''Ohhh!'' I shout.
The room goes quiet and we all wait for her to say it.

[Rachel's POV]
My last day in the city nicknamed 'Parie'. Don't know why they call it that,it sounds nothing like 'France'. Well tomorrows my actual last day but it doesn't count as we will be stuck in the airport.
Ring ring,ring ring
I pick up the phone ''Hobson Takeaways!'' I say encase its that scary stalker that keeps ringing.
''Hi is this Rac-'' I cut him off quickly.
Rick comes back carrying an armful of laxatives.
''Its hard to poo on the plane!'' He says shrugging.
''Rick some guys stalking me,he keeps calling up!'' I say hugging him.
''Right,I'll deal with him!''
The phone rings again.
''Right!'' He says angrily and picks up the phone.
''Who are you and Why are you stalking my wife!?''
He listens for a minute.
''Oh,hi Keith.''
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By bobanon and yobbo
Pleeeease comment they really do brighten our day and make us update quicker! (and give us a nice tingley feeling aww)