Sitting In My Trackie Bums!


[Chads POV]

''And the name is...drum roll please!''
Every one slaps the huge thighs so me and Jase pretend to be busy.
Although these guys are nuts there allot of fun,maybe Jason will let me come back again...
''Her beautiful name isss Vagena-Kentucky!''
''Vagena?!'' I ask cracking up.
''Oh that's lovely! Tabby says.
''Isn't that..a bit rude?'' Jason asks in between laughs.
''Why would it be?'' Ask Kathy looking shocked.
''Er...never mind.''
''So whats the Kentucky for? Have you been there?Is that where she was conceived?'' I ask.
''Consived? Whats that?'' Asks Derek.
''I love Kentucky fried chicken!'' Shouts Polly,swinging the baby crazily.
''Watch it!'' I say.
''Whats the middle name then?''
''Harmonica-Monica!'' Its got a right ring to it!''
''Wow that's a great name!'' They all shout.
Polly hands Vagena-Kentucky Harmonica-Monica Smith to Tabitha and she gets up and waddles over to Derek and gives him a huge slobbery kiss which makes both there cheeks wobble.
''Errr yuck,get a room!'' Says Jason as Kathy tries to join in.
''If you don't like it get out!'' Says Polly.
''I like it.'' Says Keith looking pervy.
''What do you do with a baby girl? Do I have to play with her?'' Keith asks.
''Well I'm not!'' says Polly who's scoffing crisps.
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By bobanon and yobbo (all the chapters are) lol
Sorry its a bit short
We will update soon