Sitting In My Trackie Bums!



My life is screwed up.

I'm leaving this dump!

I'm running away.

I sent Chad to go and get my things from the house. I wonder how he's doing.


I get to the house and knock on the front door. Rachel opens it.
''Chad! hello!''
''Hi Mrs...''
What's Jason's last name again? oh right, Locks.
''Mrs. Locks.''
''Actually, I wanted to keep my last name and have Ricks', so it's Mrs. Boll-Locks.'' She says proudly.

If I was her, I wouldn't want people to know my last name but she obviously likes hers and doesn't realise the meaning.

''Oh, um OK. Well I came to um, to do something.''
''To do what?'' She says brightly, with a big grin on her face.

I can't say I'm getting Jasons' stuff 'cause he's running away.

''Oh, I need to see Tabitha.''
''Alright then.''

I walk past her into the main entrance, and run to the lift.

Once I'm on level five I run to Jason's room and grab his PJ's, clothes, a blanket, his ipod touch, his ipad, his other phones and a pillow. I cram it all into a few rubbish bags I pulled out from my hood.

''What's with the bags, Chad?'' Asks a voice.
I spin round to see, Tabitha.
''Oh, nothing.''
''Are you hiding something, Chad?''
What's with the questions and then my name?
''No Tabby.''
''Really, Chad?''
''I think you're keeping something from me, aren't you, Chad?''
''Oh for god's sake!'' I yell.
''Are you hiding bags, bags filled with Jason's things that you plan to give to him, so he can run away, and escape a life where he has a pregnant step mum, and is teased for loving a teddy bear he is far to old to own? Chad?''
Bloody hell, she's good. What do I say to that?
''Oh OK. So what's in the bags then?''
''Uh, toothpaste?''
Tooth paste?! how the hell did I come up with that?
''There isn't any tooth paste, is there, Chad?''
Best come clean.
''I can't let you leave, Chad.''
''Bollocks!'' I yell.
''I thought we called each other by our first names.''
''No, I meant... nevermind.''
I have to get her to let me go.
But what can I do?''
Oh my god. Not that. But it's the only way. I have to do this. For Jason.

I shuffle over to her, and kiss her.
She faints, and I run.


''Where were you?'' I ask Chad when he eventually gets here.
''I got held up by Tabitha.''
''Oh. Well I'm gonna go.''
''Wait for me! I want to runaway too! I've brought my sleeping bag, and a tin of baked beans!'' I hear a dreaded voice yell. It's Tabitha. Tabitha Bollocks. I was mad to think I could escape her.
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By yobbo