Sitting In My Trackie Bums!



''Gang meeting!'' Kathy yells.
The fatties run to the lounge and jump on bean bags.
Gerry-Helga bangs against a massive bass drum.
''The twenty second gang meeting is in commence. All silent for the group leader.''
Kathy stands.
''My honourable fellows, we have a problem in our midst.''
She sits down.
''Um...what's the prob Kathy?'' Asks Keith.
''Oh.'' She stands again. ''I assume we are all aware of...The Pack.'' Everyone looks angry and Rita makes Mr S growl.
''Who's the pack?'' I ask.
''The pack, the pack!'' Polly yells.
''I'll show him the DVD!'' Yells Derek. He rummages in his pocket and pulls out a DVD.
''Put it on!'' Yells Rita.
''We really need popcorn...'' Polly says.

It begins.
It starts with Kathy, holding a camera.
''Hello. My name is Kathy, and this DVD is about...The pack!''
''Our rival gang, notorious and evil.'' Derek cuts in, before walking away.
"It all started when they copied our photo expressions. In group photos, we would press our noses down, eyes up, as so.'' She demonstrates, looking like a freak. ''Then the pack started doing group photos with the nose up, eyes down, which we will not demonstrate.''
''We have had various encounters, one of which, I filmed.'' Keith winks at the camera as he talks.
''Play that clip!'' Tracy says in an American accent while smacking her arse.
It shows a clip of the gang walking down the road to the park. They strut over and realise that people are already playing on the equiptment.
''Look who it is. The pack.'' Kathy says.
A woman jumps of the monkey bars. She has severe acne, is smoking three ciggarettes and has short hair covered by a hoodie. She is accompanied by an overweight man with a triple chin, girl twins wearing miniskirts that show of their hairy legs, and a skinny guy with glasses and a monobrow.
''Oh look. The gang. Of dickheads.'' The woman can only be described, as a chav
''Back off Trixie.'' Says Gerry-Helga.
Triple chin walks over. He really is overweight.
''What the hell are you doing with that camera Keith you tosser?''
''Stay away Dave.''
''Make me.''
''Let's get out of here, it's full of pooheads!'' Yells Kathy.
They walk away and the movie ends.

''Now you know Jason.'' Derek says.
''Trixie, Dave, Peaches and Cream, and Paul.'' Kathy announces, ''The pack.''
''Alright, now, what's the problem?'' Asks Tracy.
''Last week I recieved a letter I shall now read,

Gang of losers,
In two weeks time we will have our final showdown. Prepare to die.''
-The pack

''Oh my god!'' Yells Polly.
''What does this mean?'' Asks G-H
''We must fight. Let us prepare the weapons!''
Jesus Christ.