Sitting In My Trackie Bums!


We finally pull up at aunt Kathy's house, alive, to my surprise. Jason raises his eyebrows.

''We're staying at this tiny cottage?''

I look at him in amazement, I have always believed that auntie Kathy's house is huge. Not compared to Ricks place.

''Its not about the size. Wait till you see the popcorn maker! And every Friday and Wednesday we have a themed night!''

''We have a waffle maker, a mini fridge, a cooler full of fizzy drinks and a mini freezer full of ice cream. That's just in the guest room.'' Jason boasts.

''Well Auntie Kathy has a computer, its so much fun. I found a writing site called 'google' and I typed in a story.'' I say proudly, hoping he wouldn't have google on his computer.

Technology is new to me and mum, we used to take the bus and draw instead of watch TV. Jason starts laughing
''Wow she's so cool.'' He says. I smile. Guess he doesn't.

Jason's POV

What a freak. I mean seriously,Tabbitha Boll-Locks has a messed up head. So has her mum. It's ridiculous, I have to stay in this hole while they go off on a nice holiday. I cant believe shes my stepsister.

Hang on! Whats going to happen when dad drives us to school?! We knock on the door and a fat lady with a wheelchair greets us. She doesn't even need one, she's just lazy.

''Sis!'' Says Rachel, giggling.

She thinks shes so cool by saying sis. What a freak.

''Rach!'' Kathy says.

Why is she holding a ridiculous looking red chair with pictures of frogs on it?

''Look at my new chair! Got it from eBay! Can't tell can you?''

''Actually-'' I begin but Dad interrupts.

''Nice of you to look after them! Be good kids! Bye'' He says thrusting my bag at me.

Thanks allot dad.

''In you come then! Oh and your in luck! Today's Wednesday! And we know what that means!'' She shouts.

Oh god.

''THEME NIGHT!''Screeches Tabitha, hugging her pig of an aunt.

''Yes and tonight's theme is. DRUM ROLL PLEASE!'' And they both start slapping their huge thighs.

''Come on Jason!''

I pathetically start slapping my knees.

''Wheely chairs!!''She screams pulling out two wheelie chairs.

''Yay!!'' Shouts Tabitha


When seven o'clock comes, after a dinner of mashed potato and ice cream, Auntie Kathy brings out three wheelie chairs. ''Wheelie chair races!'' She screeches.

Oh no. You can't be serious.

They jump on to their wheelie chairs and Kathy pulls me on to mine. ''READY, SET, WHEELIE CHAIR!''

As she screams the words she starts moving. Me and Tabitha follow. We go around obstacles and end up in the kitchen. ''WINNER!'' shouts Cathy as she reaches it first.,<

<Aunt Cathy's POV>

What a spectacular day! I must admit though Jasey's not much of a knee slapper. I'm sure that'l change once he's been here for a week!

Its a shame the group couldn't come,I hope they have fun on the nature walk though. They're all coming on Friday so Tabby will be in for a treat!

<Tabitha's POV>

Me and Auntie Kathy are sharing a bed,shes already asleep next to me snoring loudly. Jason refused to sleep in the bed with us so hes on the couch. I read over what I have written so far in my diary.

Dear diary,
I'm sitting in my trackie bums again;
(The only PJ's that will fit me)
In Auntie K's bed.
I COMPLETELY embarrassed myself today at the wedding but I had a great time at Aunties Wheelie chair night.
I can't believe I announced all of those secrets to Jason.
I think hes starting to like me.
And Mum.
Bet he reckons we're cool.
Well better go to sleep now,its already 8:25
Goodness I'm going to be tired tomorrow.
Oh and I can wear my lovely grey jumper and my fluffy grey skirt.

Well bye bye diary
love Tabby BL
(I hope that's a cool way of saying my name)
(is that how you do hugs?)
♠ ♠ ♠
By Yobbo and Bobanon
We are running out of names for cereal, any suggestions?