Heart of the Dragon.

leaves from the vine.

Breathe in.

Opening his eyes, he moved, with a fluidity he picked up from being around the two waterbenders in the group, though the movements still maintained the strength and ferocity only a firebender had.

The flames that he created were controlled, not obnoxiously large, but not timid. Just enough so that he was able to occupy himself, keep his mind busy as he focused on the different shades that left his hands, trailing behind his fingertips.

Sensing the other’s presence, he paused his movements, the fire still at his fingertips. Allowing it to vanish into the weak breeze, he returned to just a normal standing position, his muscles relaxed.

Breathe out.


The boy wrapped his arms around the fire prince’s waist, holding him close.

“How’d you find me?” It seemed like a silly question, after he realized he knew the answer before he even asked.

“I flew overhead, and saw you firebending,” Aang mumbled into Zuko’s back, who didn’t realize the obvious fact that the illumination provided by his fire would make him visible. “What’s wrong, Zuko?” the airbender asked, the worry that laced his tone no longer hidden.

Placing his hands over the smaller ones that were over his stomach, Zuko sighed. “My Uncle..” he was thankful Aang was hugging him from behind, otherwise he’d see the hurt and sorrowful expression on his face, in his eyes.

“We’ll find him, Zuko. I promise.”

Turning around in his arms, Zuko looked down to the airbender, who gazed back up at him. Now that he saw his face, Aang could see the moisture in his eyes. Allowing his walls to fall, Zuko clutched the boy close, thankful for the small, weak glimmer of hope that he gave him.