Blaze of Glory

The Angel Gerard is kicked out of heaven for his love of rock music. Will he make it as a human being on earth, or will he be just another Lucifer?

Inspired by something my twinsie Sruti said on MSN. [This is my temporary birthday gift while I come up with that grape; and look, it's posted on Frank's birthday!] Fueled further by discussion with Chel.

Also for Druscilla; hope this cheers you up the tiniest bit.

And, to the rest of the Mibbians I love, you know who you are. Knock yourselves out with this.

Enjoy, and comment afterwards!
  1. Kill This Chorus!
    Not a oneshot; oh, and Bon Jovi owns the song. [Happy birthday, Frank!]
  2. And God said...
    It has been spoken. [Happy New Year, everyone!]