‹ Prequel: I Am Fallen.
Status: Trying to update/improve this. November 2012.

Guardian Angels.

Don't Be So Melodramatic.

‘Aled! You can’t let your brother control you.’ Julie shouted after me.

I slammed on my brakes. How could she honestly say that? She didn’t have a clue what Jared was like behind his pretty-boy facade.

‘Julie, you don’t know what you’re talking about.’

She snorted. ‘Right, sure I don’t. Look...meet me outside school when the bell goes, okay?’

I jumped by how loud she sounded. Slowly, I turned around and sure enough, there she was...right behind me. It took me a few moments to recover from the shock. I mean, Julie was just so damn pretty that I could stare at her for hours and-

No. Snap out of it, you moron. Do you want to get yourself killed?

‘Jared will literally murder me.’

‘Don’t be so melodramatic, Aled.’ Julie teased, flashing a bright smile at me.

Good Lord, I think my heart just stopped beating. Julie was actually showing some sort of interest in me...it wasn’t everyday that one of the pretty kids started talking to you. Especially if you were the schools number one target.

She couldn’t really be interested in me...could she? I mean, come on! Look at her! She had silky brown hair that practically cascaded down to her shoulders; her stylish choppy fringe only just avoided the twinkling ocean blue of her eyes. She had the face of a celebrity...she even sort of looked like that chick from The Mummy.

My heart dropped as I thought about how ordinary I actually was.

‘Julie...I don’t think it’s a good idea to, you know...meet up.’ I admitted.

She pulled a face and rolled her eyes at me. ‘Well I happen to think it’s a marvellous idea.’
‘And I think you’re wrong.’ I said but I couldn’t help but pull a lopsided smile.

Julie giggled and shook her head, I watched spellbound as her hair shimmered with the movement. It wasn’t even bright in here or anything so how could her hair shine like that?

‘I think-‘ she declared. ‘-that you’re an idiot.’

I held up my hands as if I were guilty. ‘You got me.’

Hold on...were we actually joking around with each other? This day was turning out to be so surreal.

And then the bell rang, shattering the perfect moment. I hated that stupid bell, it ruined so much. Just the sound of it could fill a kids heart with dread, it symbolised the beginning of lessons. On the other hand, it had its benefits. It also symbolised the magnificent event that I like to call the end of the day.

‘So I’ll see you after school then. Meet me by the gates’ Julie said, her tone dripping with something along the lines of ‘I’m-getting-the-last-word-so-shut-your-mouth.’

I could only stare after her as she swept gracefully out of my sight. I was meeting up with Julie...THE Julie, after school. I was a dead man for sure if Jared witnessed it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know...this is a painfully short chapter. I didn't want to add more to it though because I thought that it would drag it out too much and their conversation would get boring.