‹ Prequel: I Am Fallen.
Status: Trying to update/improve this. November 2012.

Guardian Angels.

Back On Earth.

I landed quite gracefully, settling down smoothly onto a bench that was placed near the gates of a park.

Something stirred in my memory. A park, an angel...when I had first met Zach. Oh God! What if we're naked!

Quickly, I checked out my body to see if any bare flesh was exposed. Thankfully, I was all covered up, in my usual jeans, t-shirt and jacket. I even had my converse! I sent a grateful thanks up to heaven.

After I'd assured myself that I was not roaming around the streets without clothes, I wondered where I was. All I knew was that this was somewhere I was unsure about...nothing looked familiar. I was fairly confident that I'd be able to find my way around though.

I looked over to Zach, who didn't have quite an elegant landing as me. He was sprawled on his back and as he sat up, he shook dirt from out of his hair. He glanced over to me, amused.

'Now how is it that you had such a great landing...when I've been the angel for the longest?' he asked, accepting the hand that I offered out to him.

'I dunno. Maybe I'm a natural...or maybe you're just bad at your job?' I giggled, ignoring the fake scowl he was giving me and getting a better look at the place.

It was dark but not in the inky black way that suggested it was time to go to sleep. The clouds were starting to lighten up, glowing a soft pink gradually. So it was the morning then. As I searched the street with my eyes, I saw small lights switching on in the windows, people were waking up and getting ready for the day.

'Okay, so it's the morning. We have to find this Aled kid, somehow, and make friends with him so I can keep a closer eye on the dude. Easy peasy.' I said to Zach, who was gingerly picking up a bag from the ground.

He held it out to me, the expression on his face was priceless. He looked like he thought the bag was going to explode or something.

I took it off him so he would be spared. When I unzipped it, a scrap of paper was waving in the strong breeze (maybe we were somewhere near the sea?) and I pulled it out to read it.

'Inside are clothes you will need to fit in. All essentials are packed, so do not worry. We have arranged a place for you to stay...' I read aloud. 'Look at that! They've written down the address of our place, the room number and also the address of Al ed's, plus what school he goes to. How thoughtful.'

'Yeah, wonderful.' Zach grumbled. I remembered that he wasn't a morning person...despite the fact that he hadn't even been asleep!

'Dude, you really need to sort out your hatred of the mornings.' I told him, laughing as he pulled a face. I held up my hands in defense. 'Hey, I'm just saying...'

I grabbed Zach's hand and we started to follow the instructions to the place we were staying. We managed to find it pretty easily and I couldn't have been more happy with it. It was a flat and it wasn't too fancy and it wasn't too plain. It was just right...well, for me it was.

'Wonderful!' Zach exclaimed miserably as he looked up at the many windows. 'We're staying here...with other people around us.'

'Ahh, don't complain. C'mon, we'll find our room.' I urged, tugging his sleeve with a childish impatience. He rolled his eyes at me.

I consulted the scrap of paper to check what room we were staying in and started running up the stairs in excitement.

'Isn't this cool?' I grinned, peering around to try and find Zach. He was warily climbing up after me, clutching the railing on the wall for support.

'Sure.' he agreed, not really having the right amount of enthusiasm. 'I remember the first time I climbed stairs at your old house.'

I chuckled as I recalled the time where he lost balance on the stairs and ended up with a nosebleed.

'Not funny!' he cried as he jumped at me, pulling me into a hug.

'Aww, I'm sorry. It was pretty funny, if you think about it.' I said, stopping outside the door. It was number 112....our room.

'Oh shoot. There must be a key somewhere...' I mumbled, looking around on the floor in a hopeless attempt to find it. 'Maybe it's in the bag?'

As my hand groped around in the bag, Zach leant against the door and watched me. He had a smile on his face.

'What?' I asked, paranoid. 'Is there something in my hair?'

He fought a smile. 'No...I was just thinking about how we're both on earth again but this time, we don't have to worry about being separated forever...or having to keep to schedules.'

I smiled warmly at him, my hand scraping across cold metal at the bottom of the bag.

'Aha!' I yelled, drawing out the shiny, silver key. 'Looks like we don't have to sleep on the floor out here after all.'

I stepped up to the door, Zach trailing behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders. I turned the key and pushed it open, getting the first glimpse of our new home.

'I love it.' I said instantly. It was perfect. It wasn't tiny, it was just enough room for us and maybe another person. The space in front of us contained a settee and two arm chairs, a table, a television, a small kitchen...it was amazing. I could see two doors, most likely to the bathroom and to the bedroom. I should really thank the archangels properly when we get back.

I dumped the bag by an arm chair and turned to Zach.

'Okay, first things first. We're starting school and if the note was right, we should have everything we need in the bag.' I said, bending down to rummage through the bag and pulling out two school uniforms. 'Oh great...a skirt.'

I grimaced. Even in my human life, I always wore trousers. Guess I'd have to manage.

'Hey, there's a note pinned to this jumper!' I said, ripping it off and reading it quickly. 'This is the time when school opens, the classes we'll be attending...everything that we need to know.'

'Really? The archangels are really making it easy for you, they're never usually this...' he paused, trying to find the right word.

'Helpful?' I offered. He smiled and nodded.

'Well, it's less work for us. Let's not complain.' I laughed. 'Okay, we're in the same tutor...in fact, we're in most of the same classes. I guess they thought that if you had to come, they may as well do it properly for you.'

'Good. If they hadn't, I would have been writing some very angry letters...' Zach said somberly, not quite keeping the corners of his mouth from turning up as he joked.

'Haha. You're brave but I doubt you're that brave.' I said. 'Right, here's your uniform so put it on. We're starting school again today.'

I snorted as Zach grimaced, he didn't enjoy the experience of school when he went with me. I patted his shoulder consolingly.

'Don't worry, I'll pwotect you from the evil teenagers.' I cooed in a baby voice. Zach threw a pillow at me as he walked past to the bedroom so he could change.

'This should be interesting.' I smiled to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I'm quite imaginative when it comes to naming chapters. *cough* not *cough*
I just can't seem to think of good ones so I just state the obvious instead.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, kids :)
I'm incredibly amazed that I have 14 subscribers already! Cheers!