Stop, Or Go

Chapter III

“Ugh, where are they?” Kara whined, checking the clock on her phone for what must have been the eightieth time in the past fifteen minutes. The airport was bustling with people entering, exiting, and much to both of our dismays, people happily reuniting with loved ones. I shifted my weight from one foot to another and blinked a couple of times.

“They’re probably getting their luggage,” I replied softly, checking my phone to see if I had any missed calls from my parents. I had spoken to my dad this morning, and his attitude had been much harsher than my mother’s, who refused to utter a single rude word about him. He, on the other hand, thought that badmouthing her would be a sure fire way of getting me to side with him. “You know how those luggage revolvers break down a lot.”

Kara sighed and began to tie her hair back, and I considered calling my aunt and reminding her about the fact that my mother’s medicine dosage had been increased, and now that she wasn’t living with my father anymore she would have to be the one to remind her. I opened my phone and began to dial my aunt’s number when I heard a high-pitched squeal and, like a blur, Kara went running into Rian’s arms. I smiled, watching as Alex set his bags down and opened his arms, expecting me to come running to him, too. I rolled my eyes, but didn’t hesitate to jump into his loving embrace. The smell of his cologne and shampoo instantly washed any worries away, and it wasn’t not long before his lips were attached to mine.

“I missed you so much,” I said softly, leaning back up to kiss him yet again.

“I missed you, too,” he replied, and I fell into his comfortable embrace.

“We missed you, Jack. We’re so happy you’re home, Jack. Can’t we take your bags for you, Jack? Oh wait, obviously neither Kara nor Audrey care about me at all.” Jack whined from behind Alex and Rian. Kara looked at me, and at the exact same time both of us broke away from the arms of our boyfriends and tackled Jack in a three-way hug.

“We missed you and we’re happy you’re home,” Kara said in between giggles as she made her way back to Rian, and I to Alex, “but there’s no way we’re taking your bags for you.”

“Well, two out of three isn’t bad.” Jack responded, and the five of us made our way out of the airport and into the bright sunlight.


“So you’re glad to be home?” I asked Alex as I slumped on to our bed. He had tossed his suitcases in the corner of the room (I knew I’d be doing a shit load of laundry soon enough) and was in the process of taking off his shirt.

“So glad.” He replied, throwing his shirt on top of the other bags. I didn’t even realize he had opened our closet until he was standing there, his head titled in confusion. “Did you only clean half of the closet, Audrey?” He asked with a chuckle. He began to dig through the piles I had made, looking for a clean shirt, when I suddenly felt the urge to tell him about my parents.

“I was nearly done, and then my mom called.” I responded softly, bringing my knees to my chest and leaning against the backboard of the bed.

“Oh?” Alex asked, his back to me as he held up a possible shirt. “How’s everything?”

I swallowed hard. “She and my dad are getting a divorce.”

Alex turned around quickly, the shirt dropping to the floor. “Aw, baby. I’m sorry.” I scooted over on the bed so he could sit next to me, and before I knew it I was being enveloped in his arms. I felt hot tears beginning to pool in my eyes, but unlike when I was talking to my mom on the phone, I let them fall freely. “Are you alright with it?” I suppose he didn’t see me crying, because obviously this wasn’t a bowl of fucking cherries in my opinion.

“No,” I sniffled pathetically, “I thought they’d be able to work everything out.”

“They still love you, though.” Alex reminded me kindly.

“Yeah,” I muttered, letting Alex wipe away the tears that branded my cheeks with his thumb, “but it’s not the same if they don’t love each other.


“When’s your next tour?” Kara asked the three boys as she sat on Rian’s lap in our living room. The coffee table held chips, dip, pizza and a lot of beer, brought over by Jack.

“Some time next year, probably.” Alex responded, and I could feel myself smiling at the idea of having an entire uninterrupted year with Alex. His arm was draped protectively around my shoulder, and I could feel him pull me an inch closer to his side.

I watched as Jack finished what must have been his third beer before he eyed Rian skeptically. “Why are you so quiet?” He asked, his words slowly beginning to slur together. I glanced over at Alex who was quietly leaning forward and pushing the few remaining beers away from Jack’s grasp.

“No reason,” Rian replied flatly, looking at Alex who froze suddenly. I could feel the tension in the room grow, even though Kara and I were both clueless as to why, and Jack was so buzzed it wouldn’t have made a difference if or if not he knew.

Finally, Kara’s laughter broke the silence. “What’s wrong with you guys?” She said in between giggles, causing me to smile. “It’s like you murdered someone or something.” That caused Jack to roar with laugher as he attempted to reach with a shaking hand another beer.

But neither Rian nor Alex seemed to find it funny, and they continued to stare at each other as if they were communicating just by their eyes. It was kind of strange, to be honest with you. I finally elbowed Alex lightly in the side, a soft smile still evident on my face. “Be happy, Alex.” I whispered. “You’re finally home.” I could feel him take his arm off of my shoulders and put his hands in his lap, and I felt strangely vulnerable.

“I think you have something to tell Audrey, don’t you Alex?” Rian said flatly, and I could hear Jack muttering over and over again ‘he murdered someone, he murdered someone’ all while breaking out into frequent laughter.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Alex responded, his voice calm yet harsh. I felt my stomach drop, anticipating the worst, even though I didn’t know what the worst is.

Finally Rian’s gaze detached itself for Alex, and I watched as his eyes looked straight into mine. “Alex fucked another girl, Audrey.” I stopped breathing. “He cheated on you.”
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Yay! Chapter three out of five! Yeah, it's a short story...