Status: New fanfic. Shortly will be on Hiatus.

You Always Seem to Catch Me When I'm Lying

If It Helps...

Jonathan let me go. He pecked me on the cheek and I smiled. My attention turned from him to Bianx and Kyle. My smile faded as soon as I saw her push him away a bit. Those two really need to talk. It may or may not help. I just want them to be happy.

Kyle leaned forward and kissed her. She gave no effort, so he pulled away. Now Kyle was frowning. Uh oh...Bianx was looking down at the floor, I need to talk to her.

"Um, okay, you guys need to wait outside. Decided on a place where we should go,"I said, getting out of Jonathan's arms.

"Outside?"Kent asked.

"Yes now go,"I answered.

I was walking towards Bianx. I didn't hear them leaving just yet. As I walked on, I didn't look back, but demanded,

"Outside!"I pointed and snapped my fingers. That meant 'Leave now or I'll make you leave.' They left.

"Bianx, you okay?"

"To be honest, no."

"Ay, mija. Por que? Tell me why...If you want."

"It's cool. I don't know. Kyle just comes in like nothing, as if he never hurt me."

"He's a boy, sweetie. You know how they can be."

"I know."

"Okay, you two need to talk about this."

"I don't want to."

"It'll help."

"Fine..."She smiled and we walked outside with the rest of the group.

I hated seeing Bianx like this. Seeing her so down, it made me feel sad. Jonathan came over and entwined out fingers together. Apparently he didn't know what his best friend was doing to my best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
again no offense to boys out there
it was for the sake of the story!
Thanks for reading!!!
Bianx's turn