Status: New fanfic. Shortly will be on Hiatus.

You Always Seem to Catch Me When I'm Lying

Confrontations To People You Care About...Not Easy

I was smiling and having a good time with my boyfriend. We hadn't seen each other for a while, you know how hard that is for us? Very hard, let's just say that. It's an innocent relationship, honest. But through my happiness, I felt sorrow. Sorrow for my best friend. She was killing herself over Kyle. I hated that. I turned to see her sitting alone on the porch as Kyle was talking with Marc. Well, I wasn't going to let her do that.

"Um, hold on,"I whispered to Jonathan. He knew where I was going so he nodded. I walked over to her and sat down. I tried to cheer her up, by at this point it was nearly impossible. I sighed and got up. I had an idea.

I was going to confront Kyle Burns.

Even if it kills me- or him, he was going to understand what he was doing was wrong.

"So have you all decided where we're going?"I asked.

"Let's go to the park!"Austin yelled. We agreed and headed there. As we arrived, I saw Kyle going near this girl. Great, Bianx was talking with Caleb and Jonathan while he was flirting away. He's a dead man. I walked over to him.

"Excuse me, whore, leave. Kyle we need to talk."I said. Like I gave a crap to who this girl was.

"I have a name,"She said in a snotty, perky voice. Gah, I was going to hurt her.

"Yes and it's ho, now leave,"I growled.


"Bitch you better leave or you're going to regret it."I snarled. She backed up and walked away. I turned to Kyle. My looks to him: If looks could kill you'd be six feet under.

"Mimi, you okay?"He seemed kind of scared. Good.

"No, I am not okay. What the fuck is you damn problem?!"


"Flirting with someone who probably has and STD and your loving girlfriend is over there? Are you out of your damn mind?"

"Excuse me for being a little too friendly!"

"No, I swear if you continue to hurt Bianx, you will regret the day you ever met us. Understand?"

He nodded a bit. I meant business, I wasn't kidding around.

"Sorry,"He mumbled.

"Sorry? Oh now you're sorry? After all the crap you put her through? No, you're not. If you don't stop Kyle I will personally kick your ass."

I've never threatened a close friend, but if he didn't get that through his head I was going to.

"I am...Sorry."He sounded like he meant it, but I couldn't tell. I walked away. Bianx was now talking to Jonathan and Marc. I approached Caleb and Austin.

"He's a druggie, isn't he?"My tears were on the verge of pouring out. They knew who I was talking about.

"Yeah..."Caleb whispered. I clenched my jaw to hold it all in. I looked away. It was quiet between the three of us.

I chuckled softly.

"Of course." I walked home, but felt like I was being followed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Excuse all the cussing. It gets to my point.
Bianx's turn
Sorry it sucks