Panic Over; Party Off, Party On

Chapter XII

“I love the snow!” I exclaimed to Zack’s now white backyard, falling back on a pile that I had pushed together. Both of our school’s had been canceled for the day, something that I had never experienced in Montreal. It seemed that here a school only needed a foot of snow or so (which was what we got) to call class off, while in St-Agathe we had school even after receiving three feet. In fact, I think the only day that I had ever had off from school was when I was eleven, and that was because we had gotten both snow and sleet, making the back roads everyone used impossible to drive on. I didn’t care that my jeans were probably soaked, and that I wasn’t wearing proper snow boots. As I looked up at the white sky, I felt more at home than ever.

I suddenly felt a cold ball of snow come into contact with the side of my head, and when I picked up my head to see where it had come from I saw Zack about fifteen feet away, lifting up a large ball of snow that was to be the middle section of his snowman. He glanced over at me, and when he saw that I was looking at him he looked away quickly. Well, I wasn’t going to let him throw a snowball at me and get away with it. Watching him carefully as he smoothed out the edges on the first two layers of his snowman, I stood up soundlessly and walked to Zack. With a great effort not to crash him into his partial snowman, I jumped on his back and tackled him quickly to the ground. I could feel him laughing under me as he turned his body, my legs still straddling his waist. “You didn’t think I wouldn’t get you back, did you?” I asked when we both stopped laughing.

“I don’t know.” Zack replied, his eyes bright as he placed his hands on either side of me. “It took you a while to realize it was me.”

I chuckled, pulling off my gloves and using my thumb to push off some of the snow that clung to Zack’s cheeks. “Yeah, well, I was in my own little world.” I defended, the smile still stuck to my face.

Zack laughed. “I could tell. I kept yelling at you to come and help me with my snowman, but you didn’t listen.”

“So you threw snow at me instead?” I asked, leaning down and placing my lips on his. I could feel Zack smile, so I kissed down his neck and towards the small spot on his collarbone I discovered a few days ago that made him go wild.

“Do you blame me?” I heard him moan softly as I sucked on his skin. His arms wrapped tighter around my waist, and when I moved my mouth back to his our kiss was heated and passionate.

“No, not at all.” I said softly after I pulled away. I rolled off of Zack slowly, shivering slightly as I felt my back come into contact with the snow. I turned on my side and rested my head on his chest, noting the rhythmic rise and fall of Zack’s chest. His arm was wrapped protectively around my side, his thumb rubbing small circles on a patch of exposed skin.

“How are we going to go camping in the snow?” I heard Zack ask quietly. I laughed, letting my head sit in the crook of his neck.

“I’m sure Jack and Alex will find a way.” I muttered. “You do want to go, right?” I asked slowly, wanting to make sure that Zack hadn’t just said he would go camping because I had asked him in front of other people.

“Of course.” Zack replied, his voice genuine, and I had to believe him. “If you’re going to be there, then I’m going, too.” I smiled softly, burying my face in the side of his neck so he wouldn’t see my cheeks turn pink. “I know you’re blushing, Rem. It’s really easy to make you blush.” He said in between laughter, and even though I used my hand to cover the side of my face so he couldn’t see that I was blushing harder, I felt myself smiling against his warm skin.


I was still cold, even though I was buried under two blankets and a comforter, which Zack had dragged from his bedroom down to the living room. My skin felt cold and clammy, though I had discarded my wet jeans and shirt in favor of wearing merely my underwear and bra. I felt extremely meek and vulnerable under all of the blankets, though I tried telling myself that somewhere in the house Zack was walking around in just his boxers. Though weren’t boxers just like shorts? So, in essence, Zack was wearing shorts. But, to be fair, a woman’s underwear and bra was just like a bathing suit, right? So, by chain rule, I was wearing a very feminine, very risqué, very small bathing suit. As I repeated that statement over and over again in my head, I pulled the blankets closer to my body, just incase.

“So I got some movies, some cookies, and some milk.” Zack said, walking into the living room, trying to balance a plate, DVDs and a glass. I sat forward, taking the plate from his hands and putting it down on the table. I didn’t even realize that my entire bra was exposed until I saw Zack staring at my chest. I quickly leaned back, pulling the blankets up to my neck. He smiled softly before setting the milk and movies down next to the plate and lifting up the blankets, seating himself under them next to me. He didn’t touch me at first, I suppose it was to make up for his wandering eye, but I wasn’t going to have that. Not only was I cold, but my skin also tingled at the thought of being so close to him. I crawled quickly on to Zack’s lap, pulling up the blankets around us, Zack’s arms snaking around my waist.

“Are you still cold?” He asked, and I shook my head.

“I’m warm.” I said simply, cuddling closer to Zack’s chest. I hoped he wouldn’t notice that my lips were still blue, or that my feet were freezing, because then I knew he’d feel the need to get up and get another blanket. We sat in silence for the next few minutes, my skin gradually becoming warmer, and my eyelids slowly beginning to fall. I felt Zack reach forward with me on his lap carefully, take the glass of milk off of the table and take a sip. I laughed softly at how the milk left a thin stain on his upper lip, and Zack’s brow crinkled in confusion as to what I found so funny. “Here.” I stated softly, using my thumb to wipe away the extra liquid. “You had a milk moustache.”

“How would you like it if I grew a handlebar moustache?” Zack asked, tracing the skin where the said moustache would be with his fingers.

“A handlebar moustache?” I repeated, trying to imagine him with facial hair to begin with. I couldn’t. “I’m not sure.” I said finally, trying to hold back my giggles. “But I’m flattered that you value my opinion.”

Zack shrugged. “Well, you’re the only person that I kiss on a regular basis, so I figured you would want a say in it.”

“On a regular basis?” I teased, my tone light and humorous. I had no doubt in my mind that I was the only person Zack was with, in the same way I was sure he knew he was the only person I was with.

“Well whenever I visit my Aunt Hannah –“ I cut him off quickly, pressing my lips to his. My fingers found their way to his light blonde hair, and he fingered the back of my bra in as non-threatening a way as possible. I trusted him, more than I had ever trusted any guy before. “She never kissed me like that.” Zack muttered softly when I pulled away. I didn’t care anymore that the blankets had slipped from my grip and were now situated under my chest, exposing my entire black bra for anyone who walked into the living room to see.

“I’m the only one who gets to kiss you like that.” I mumbled, my eyes beginning to close as I placed my head back in between his neck and shoulder.

I could hear Zack chuckle slightly, pulling the blankets back up to cover my chest. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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