Flash of Violet

11/16/10; 8:43 PM

Violet slammed her front door in Casey's face, but of course, that didn't stop Casey from shoving the door open and following Violet inside.

"Aye, first yeh almost drop a bowlin' ball on meh foot an' now yer slammin' doors in meh face?" She chuckled.

"Piss off!" Violet snapped, pulling a can of apple juice from her fridge and cracking it open, "Why don't yeh go teh yer own place?"

"What the 'ell is yer problem?"

"Yeh are Casey! Yeh embrassed the 'ell outta meh tonight!"


"Talkin' 'bout 'ow I need teh get laid and that meh and Olleh should 'ook up! Neither of us were interested in each other!"


"That's embarrassin' Case! I don't want all of Sheffield knowin' who 'm not 'aving sex with! I don't want them knowin' what parties 'm not goin' teh! It's none of their god damn business!"

"What's yer point?"

"My point is!" Violet snapped, turning around coming face to face with Casey, "Is 'm fuckin' sick of yeh tryin' teh get meh laid. If I wanted teh fuck Olleh, I'd 'ave done so at his party."

"Yeh would never 'ave the guts teh fuck 'im if yeh wanted teh! Yeh won't fuck anyone!"

Tears quickly came to Violet's eyes. They didn't belong there. There was no reason for them at all.

"Alright Casey."

"Vi, 'm sorry."

"Get out."

"'m sorry--"

"Get the fuck outta meh flat!" She screamed, setting her juice down on the counter and throwing her arms in teh air, "Now!"

"I didn't mean--"

"I don't fuckin' care!"

Casey had her hand resting on the door knob, pleading her best friend, "Vi, 'onest."

"Seriously Case. Just leave."

Casey placed her hand against the door and opened it, leaving. Violet locked it behind her and did her best to keep herself from screaming. But it was no use, she let out a loud screech and knocked over all the stuff that cluttered her coffee table. She then sat down on the couch with her head in her hands. She tried hard not to cry, but it was no use. Violet was sick of Casey telling her she needed to meet people or she needed to go out more. She'd never been so upset with Casey like she was tonight, making jokes about how she'd be a nun if she didn't smoke so much. Violet wasn't insecure and she wasn't crying over some stupid, petty reason. She was genuinely upset.

She was sick of being made fun of by her 'best friend'. Best friends are supposed to understand and comfort their friends, not feed them to the sharks. Violet didn't understand who the fuck Casey thought she was, treating her like that. Violet had never done such a thing to Casey. She never talked about how Casey fucked everyone she met, where ever she met them.

Violet wiped her nose with the back of her hand and stood up. She stripped herself of her clothing and crawled into bed in only her underwear. She snuggled in between the cold blankets and turned her head towards the window, where the blinds were open, letting the moon shine through the slits.

Oli was so much different at the bowling alley tonight. He'd seemed so ignorant on Halloween, completely sloshed and tearing his brother up one side and back down the other, like he was nothing. But tonight, he was completely sober, and while Casey was hanging all over Matt, he actually seemed to have a good conversation with Violet. But it wasn't a flirty conversation or a conversation that might have lead to anything remotely romantic.

They made fun of Casey and Oli talked non stop about Tom and his pictures. Almost like he was trying to make up for treating Tom like shit on Halloween. He seemed to be attempting to redeem himself. Which Casey respected. She liked the fact that he was able to make it clear that he was sorry without coming out and saying so.

Violet grinned to herself at the look on Oli's face when the waitress had walked by and told him he'd dropped something. He'd looked down at it and told her he was sure it wasn't his. She looked back at him and told him she'd seen him drop it. He was about to argue once more when Violet rolled her eyes and picked up the small piece of paper, stuffing it in his hand. The waitress had walked off and Violet snatched the piece of paper from him, unfolding it and reading it.

You're proper adorable. Think we could get coffee sometime? : ) 07790079164

She'd handed it back, still grinning. Oli must have thought it was some kind of joke because he merely rolled his eyes and stuffed it in his pocket. Violet's thoughts suddenly came back to the fight her and Casey had gotten into. Vi wasn't one to hold grudges, but the fight had been a long time coming and she was sick of dealing with Casey's constant shit.

Unless Casey was going to change, Violet really did need to meet some new people.
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do you all still hate oli? ;D