Status: Brand New Story. Hope you guys enjoy this because I can't wait to get it going.

Mr. Winter.

There's gonna be one less lonely girl.

She sent him a text message when she got to her house. Before she did anything else she sent him a message. It was unlike her to be so impatient to see a boy, especially one she had just met. She just couldn’t seem to get his eyes out of her head, or his smile. Her phone buzzed on the table telling her she had a text message.

Hey cutie :] so tomorrow be ready at noon. Good?

Good :] can’t wait <3

She replied and then took her phone into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. She grabbed her water and headed back down the hall to her bedroom. She passed the two doors on the right and went to the last one of the left. She kicked off her shoes and collapsed on her bed. Her phone went off again.

Where’s your house? She laughed out loud at that one but she couldn’t quite figure out why it was so funny.

You know the surf shop down the street from where we were on the beach tonight? I live directly across the street from it.

oh in that townhouse?


Cool, I’ll see you then :D

She smiled at that too. She took a shower and pulled on an old ratty pair of sweats and tank top. She collapsed in bed and thought of the red haired boy she had met. She wanted to get to know him and he apparently wanted to get to know her as well. She smiled at that and closed her eyes. She was asleep in minutes.

{ [: - :] }

He woke up at eleven that morning with a smile on his face. Juliet was the first thing he thought of. He took a shower and dried his long hair. He dressed in jeans and a black and white Volcom shirt. By the time he walked out of his house it was eleven forty five and he knew it only took about fifteen minutes to get to the surf shop so he was right on time. He backed into the driveway and went up to the door. He knocked twice and then waited. She opened the door a few moments later and he smiled when he saw her.

“Hey, you ready to go?” he asked her with a smile.

“Almost, I just have to find my shoes. Give me like three seconds,” she said with a laugh. She walked back into the house and left the door open. He stepped inside and looked around for a minute. She was standing in front of him a moment later with her phone and her keys in her hand. “Ok, now I’m ready,” she said with a smile that he returned. He followed her out and headed to his car while she locked up. “Wow, nice ride,” she told him with a grin as she looked his car over.

“Thanks,” he smiled and opened her door for her closing it once she was inside.

“How can you afford this thing, it’s gotta be expensive,” she said once they were inside. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. His thoughts had just been confirmed. She had no idea who he was which was a good thing. That meant that she wouldn’t expect perfection, she wouldn’t just date him to say that she was dating the Shaun White. “What model is it anyways?”

“It’s a Lamborhgini Murcielago LP640. I can afford it because I have a good job,” he said trying to tell her enough information to please her but not flat out tell her who he was. He had had enough of girls being with him because of his career or his friends.

“What do you do for a living?” she asked with interest and he sighed. “Whats wrong?” There was concern in her eyes.

“I wanted to avoid that… Do you keep up with snowboarding or skateboarding?” he asked and she shook her head. “Good, then this probably won’t mean anything to you. I’m Shaun White, I’m a professional snowboarder and skateboarder. I went to the Olympics last year in Torino,” he told her softly.

“Wow, did you win?” she asked with a smile.

“Yeah, I got gold on Men’s half pipe,” he told her. He didn’t like to brag about it, especially not to girls he wanted to date. He wanted to be with someone who liked Shaun White, the red head from Carlsbad, not Shaun White, the Olympic medalist.

“Well good job,” she told him with a smile and he smiled his thanks. “So where are we going?” she questioned and he grinned at her.

“You’ll find out,” he told her with a smirk. She stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed. He pulled into the parking lot of the De Medici. It was a nice italian restaurant in downtown San Diego.

“Oh my god I can’t let you take me here it’s so expensive!” she said once she saw the restaurant.

“Don’t worry about it, come on,” he told her. He opened her door and practically drug her out of the car. They were seated a few minutes later despite her protests.

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this,” she said for the tenth time once the waitress hadnt taken their order.

“What’s so bad about it? I told you I was going to take you on an awesome date,” he grinned with a shrug.

“Its just that this place is like really expensive and I just met you yesterday,” she pointed out.

“Yeah, and?” he shrugged and she sighed.

“Nevermind,” she surrender with a shake of her head and he smiled at her. “When did you start snowboarding?” she asked.

“When I was four. My older brother wanted to try it and so did I because he wanted to. I always wanted to doe verything he did when I was little, I started skateboarding at the same time he did too. My mom was pissed when I started, she was crazy worried about me all the time,” he shook his head.

“Well yeah I mean what mom wouldn’t be worried about her four year old who wanted to snowboard?” she laughed.

“It wasn’t even really that I wanted to snowboard, well it wasn’t just that,” he amended.

“What else was there to be worried about?”

“I was born with a heart defect and I had a some surgeries for it, Mom was worried about that,” he shrugged like it was nothing.

“That’s crazy… You were a pretty tough kid then?” she joked.

“Hell yeah,” he laughed. “What about you? What kinda stuff are you in to?”

“Well, I dance and play the piano. Not as extreme as snowboarding and skateboarding and all that stuff,” she told him a smile.

“Dance huh? Wouldn’t have pinned you for it. How long?” he said. He wanted to keep her talking and learn more about her.

“Yeah, I’ve been dancing since I was seven and I’m nineteen now so twelve years,” she replied. “I dance ballet and jazz.”

“Which one do you like more?”

“Ballet, definitely. I’ve been dancing ballet for longer and I love it,” she replied easily.

“The only thing I ever really heard about dance was from one of my sisters friends and I tended to avoid them,” he laughed.

“It’s ok I don’t know anything about snowboarding or any of that,” she smiled.

“How about we make a deal,” he suggested and she nodded. “I’ll come watch your next performance if you come to my next snowboarding competition with me,” he offered. She thought about it for a minute.

“Deal,” she agreed. The smile he gave her was heartmelting. She could already feel it happening. She could already feel herself falling. She didn’t even care to stop it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: One Less Lonely Girl - Justin Bieber.

Comments for the next update. I actually wanted to get the story somewhere before i required comments. Let's say at least two for the next one