Status: Brand New Story. Hope you guys enjoy this because I can't wait to get it going.

Mr. Winter.

I'll follow you into the dark.

They woke up late Sunday around noon. Juliet felt a lot better and by the way Shaun practically bounced down the hall to the kitchen he was feeling better as well. She wasn’t sore which amazed her but she knew that she’d need to stretch very soon or she’d be sorry. Shaun made breakfast and told her to make sure she was packed for the week and that she had lots of warm stuff. She had all of her long sleeved shirts packed and all of her jeans and sweats. Her bag consisted of about five shirts, three pairs of jeans and three pairs of sweat pants. Shit, she cursed to herself. She walked into the kitchen where Shaun was just finishing breakfast.

“Shaun, I have a problem,” she told him.

“What’s the matter baby girl?” he asked.

“I live in San Diego, California, where it’s sunny and warm all year… I don’t own warm clothes,” she sighed and he laughed.

“We can go get you some things today,” he told her. She agreed and they ate breakfast and went to get dressed. She went into the bathroom with a pair of blue jean shorts and a light blue baby doll shirt. She straightened her dark hair and put on a little bit of eyeliner. She went to the living room to find Shaun dressed in tan cargo shorts and black Volcom t-shirt. She grabbed her purse and they went out to Shaun’s car. He drove them downtown where the stores were. She had every intention of paying for her own clothes but he insisted on buying her things. She convinced him to let her pay for a few things but he bought most of it. When they got back to her house she put her new clothes in her bag. They had gotten her some more jeans and another pair of sweat pants as well as some long sleeve shirts a couple hoodies and a coat.

“Thanks Shaun, you really didn’t have to buy me all this,” she said again when they went into the living room.

“I told you I don’t mind and you’re welcome,” he replied and gave her a kiss. They watched TV for around half an hour until Shaun decided something. “Hey Juliet?”


“The limo is picking us up at my house,” he stated.

“You told me that already,” she reminded him.

“Why don’t we just go stay at my house tonight so we don’t have to get up super early and go over there?” he questioned.

“We can,” she shrugged. “I want to see your house anyways, I haven’t been yet,” she commented and he smiled.

“I know, ok then let’s get your stuff and we can go over there,” he said and they got up to get her bags. She had a small carry on bag and a suitcase so it wasn’t very difficult to get her things to his car and into the trunk. She went back and made sure her doors and windows were locked and texted Ashley to remind her to check on her house once or twice this week. Shaun had the car running when she came back outside and climbed in the passenger seat. He leaned over and kissed her cheek before pulling out of her driveway. It was about fifteen minutes to his house from hers. She thought he might live in a nice house a little farther inland. Instead they pretty much followed the beach up the coast.

Juliet wasn’t sure what she was expecting but whatever it was this was better. It was a white two story house with huge windows. He had a driveway and a garage which he pulled his car into. He carried her bags inside and she stared around in wonder at how nice everything was. The floors in the kitchen, where they entered from the garage, were polished hardwood with stainless steel appliances and marble countertops. It was very light and open, she wished her house was like this, so bright. He set her things down on the kitchen table and took her hands.

“It’s beautiful, Shaun,” she told him.

“It gets better… Let me show you,” he said with a grin. He had wanted to show her a certain aspect of the house, certainly his favorite view.

“Ok,” she smiled. He turned her around and put his hands over his eyes. “Shaun what are you doing?”

“Just wait, I won’t let you run into anything I promise,” he said in her ear and she nodded. He led her through the house and out the back door. She went down eight stairs and felt sand in her flip flops. She let them come off her feet as he led her towards the water. He turned her around and kept his hands over her eyes. “Ready?”

“Come on, Shaun,” she whined and he laughed but uncovered her eyes. The back of the house was almost entirely glass. The California sun glinted off it like a mirror and reflected the waves back at them. It was gorgeous.

“It’s my favorite view of the house,” he said in her ear.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured with a smile. His arms constricted around her waist.

“I’m glad you like it. Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the house,” he said and kissed her cheek. She nodded with her eyes still on the glass house. He took her hand and led her back inside. He showed her the living room and the kitchen and dining room. He took her upstairs and showed her the guest room and then he took her to the master bedroom. The double doors were closed and he made he close her eyes again before he would open them. His room was stunning. The entire house was very modern and she loved that. His bedroom faced the ocean with pretty much the entire back wall being made of glass. There was a porch and a couch that you could sleep on outside. She felt like she was walking through her dream house.

“Shaun, this is perfect,” she told him. He was leaning in the doorway watching her as she walked slowly through the room. He just smiled at her when she turned around to look at him. “It must be amazing living here,” she said.

“I love it,” he shrugged. “I love when it rains because I can see the storm.”

“I love the rain,” she smiled. He walked over to her and kissed her lips.

“I love you,” he told her.

“I love you too,” she replied softly. He kissed her again and then pulled her close to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and laid her head against his chest. Juliet lost track of the time they spent standing there in the middle of his room in each others arms. They stood there for at least ten minutes. They went back downstairs and Shaun made dinner for the two of them. They went upstairs after dinner and both of them changed out of the clothes they had worn all day. Juliet took a shower first and pulled on shorts and tank top. When Shaun came out of the master bathroom he was in basketball shorts and no shirt. He found her our on the balcony with a book open in her lap.

“What’re you reading baby?” he asked her.

“Romeo and Juliet,” she replied with a smile. He smiled back at her and she moved to make space for him. She marked her page as he sat down next to her and took her in his arms. They sat out on the balcony and watched the sun set, it was beautiful. Juliet loved how the sky was painted different colors. After the sun fell behind the horizon they went inside to get some sleep since they were flying out in the morning. Juliet curled into Shaun’s chest after they got under the covers in his bed. Everything here smelled like him and she loved that. She fell asleep smiling softly. The last thing she registered was Shaun kissing her head and telling her that he loved her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie

I'm back again lol. I got a burst of inspiration. <3

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