Spirit Of The Night

Spirit Of The Night

Drums beating out rhythms through the air, flames leaping to the stars, music as beautiful as the celestial sky above. These, to me, are the embodiments of the night. The heavens above, which hold so many stories, and the earth below, which is strong and wild, are transformed with the darkness.

Everything becomes serious and dark at night, and the spirits come out. Most people would probably question what I mean when I say that the spirits come out, since the word “spirit” conjures up images of ghouls and ghosts. However, my meaning of the spirits coming out is that the entire world becomes enlivened at night. When everything seems to be sleeping, the true nature of the earth comes alive.

The wind rustles through the leaves, fingering the trees’ hair, and the empty sidewalks echo the days’ activity, mocking the light of the sun. The stars and the moon tease the street lights as if laughing and saying, “Not even you can keep us at bay.”

But most of all, the shadows of the day run around at night, laughing and mocking us in a childish manner. They, too, play with the leaves when there is no wind present. They, too, laugh and play when all have gone to rest. They, too, observe us, learning our habits and ways.

These are what I think of the night, how its mystery captivates me. These are why I can not go to sleep at night, why I love the time when the sun disappears and the stars dance in the sky.