Taking a Bite

Small Town School

It's the beginning of my Junior year. I know it will be just like my last two years in high school. In other words, boring and nothing special ever happens. The most exciting thing that ever happens is someone hooks up with someone they have known forever. Woo Hoo! In a small town you rarely get a new kid, but when you do they are like a shiny new toy. The last knew student at Coupville, Washington, home of the Cougars, was me. I came here my Freshman year when my dad got a new job here as the Superintendent at the school. Luckily, I already know how small towns work. Yes, in small town Coupville and every small town, it is only matter of minutes before everyone knows what happened.
I remember like it was yesterday, my first day as a Cougar. As soon as I got out of my dad's car and to the commons, everyone swarmed me. Asking me all these questions about me. It was over-whelming. So, today when this group of new kids, all perfectly beautiful, show up today I am surprised that they weren't being interrogated like I was. Everyone was staring from a distance. I decided to be friendly and go introduce myself since it seems like no one else is.

"Hey my name is Annabella Adams. Welcome to our school. " I said to the five new students. I notice that they are couples except for one. Obviously. They can't all be related. Maybe that is why everyone is staying away. Unlike me, there wasn't a new person to date. Well, the fifth one, but maybe his looks turn them away. I don't know.

"Hello. I'm Hannah Cusano and these are my brothers Hunter and Daniel. This is Dillon Kurth, my boyfriend, and his sister Hadley, Daniel's girlfriend. All of us are Juniors. What about you?" said the girl with short, dirty blond hair.

I am a bit confused. How can they not all be related? They all have golden eyes that dazzle anyone that looks into them.

"Nice to meet you all. I am also a Junior. Maybe we have some classes together. Depends on if your in the advanced classes or not. I take all advanced. What about you guys?"

"We all take advanced classes. Our parents,Elizabeth and Christopher, make sure we excel at everything." Hannah said with a smile on her face. She must be the talker of the five. The others started in on there own conversations. But, I can't help to notice that Hunter is staring at me. It almost kind of a glare. Like, I did something to him or do I smell?


"Well, I will talk to you guys later. Class time!" I said as I ran towards first hour Spanish.

I think Hannah and I will be good friends. Maybe I will invite her to sit with me at lunch. This year may actually be exciting.