Status: Discontinued.

Strike up the Band

Chapter One

“I’m going out!” Stephanie Urie called out into the house, snatching up her black hoodie and slipping it over her short black hair. From the couch, Ryan Ross poked his head up, his dark brown hair in a mess. Jon Walker turned his head away from a rerun of Stephen’s Untitled Rock Show where Green Day was performing.

“Where you going’ Steph?” Ryan asked, his voice slipping into a yawn.

Stephanie rolled her eyes and made sure the black hoodie covered up her white Panic! At The Disco shirt she stole from her older brother, Brendon “Do you need to know every detail of my life, Ryan?” she retorted.

“No, but, I want to, “ Ryan pouted, turning back to the TV.

Shrugging, Stephanie turned around to open the door, her small hand resting on the door-knob. “Ryan, Jon, tell Brendon I’d be back ‘round 7 p.m., okay?” she asked, her black hair falling over her hazel-green eyes, so like her brother’s.

Jon waved his hand over the top of the couch, “Yeah. Sure. Whatever.” He said vaguely.

“Are you going to tell him or what?” Stephanie asked

“Will you tell us where you’re going?” Ryan countered, turning his head around to stare at Stephanie.

"If you must know, which you don't, I have a date." Stephanie retorted. "Look, don't get all mad-" she began but she was cut off.

"With who?" jon asked innocently.

Stephanie let out a sigh and stepped away from the door, sitting on the arm-rest on Ryan's side of the couch. "Don't you two have anything better to do than ask their friend's younger sister rhetorical questions?"

"Nope." Ryan grinned up at her, placing his hand precauriously close to her leg. "Who?" he persisted.

"Pete. There, ya happy?"

"Pete Wentz" Jon spluttered. "Like our boss, Pete Wentz?"

"Hm...I don't really know...You tell me what my boyfriend looks like..." Stephanie said, rolling her eyes, "Yes Pete Wentz!"

"Doesn't he like, already have a girlfriend?" Ryan asked. Stephanie looked deep into his eyes; she couldn't read the emotion written there.

"Well...No. He dumped Ashley about two months ago." Stephanie replied, reaching over Ryan to snatch a handfull of Popcorn, quickly eating it.

"Isn't he a little old for you?" Ryan asked again, his voice quiet.

"Not really. He's only like 8 years older than I am." Stephanie said. "Then again, that is a long time..." she said to herself. She was sure Ryan heard her but he didn't say anything. Instead, his face adopted an unusually stern expression. He looked like he was about to say something but then Stephanie's cell phone deep inside her pocket vibrated. She reached down into it and pulled out a small blue Sidekick. She flicked it open.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Steph, it's me, Pete. Listen, I can't make it to our date tonight." He said. Stephanie was sure she heard a person giggling on the other end but Pete sushed them. "Sorry, Patrick's begging to use my phone." he explained a little too hastily.

"Alright then," Stephanie replied sadly.

He hung up. Without even a goodbye. Stephanie could feel the warm tears threatening to leak from her eyes. She looked away from Ryan who was staring at her intensely and closed her Sidekick, slipping it back into her pocket. "Pete couldn't come." she explained to Ryan and Jon, thankful her voice didn't break.

She sat down on the couch right next to Ryan and he moved over, giving her enough room. Ryan reached over and laid his hand around her shoulder. Stephanie smiled past her sadness and leaned into him. He always helped her out when she was distressed or otherwise sad. It was like he was her brother. Hell, Jon and Spencer too. Ryan rested his head on Stephanie's shoulder as they watched TV.

A video for Fall Out Boy's new song, "The Take Over, The Break's Over" came on with a picture of Hemingway sleeping on Pete. Stephanie avoided looking at Pete on the screen. Instead, she buried her head into Ryan's chest and closed her eyes, letting the soothing music wash over her. "Hey Ryan?" she asked, her voice muffled.

"Yeah?" he asked quietly.

"Don't you play on this song?" Stephanie asked him.

Ryan smiled, "Yep. I couldn't do the voice though." he added.

"I promised that I'd take you out for you birthday, remember? You were turning 19, I couldn't miss it." he said before Stephanie could reply.

Stephanie lifted her head up to look at Ryan, "Why'd you miss it for me?" she demanded softly. "It's not like I'm worth missing a video for." she added in a whisper.

His sea-green eyes connected with her hazel ones. "I'll do anything for you." Ryan stated simply.

Stephanie laid her head back on Ryan's chest just as the front door opened and Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith stormed through. "Hey Ya'll!" Brendon called out cheerfully while Spencer just waved.

Stephanie's head jerked up as Jon said, "Oh nothing, Just helping Steph out with some boy trouble." he grinned. Stephanie reached over Ryan's lap to push Jon playfully.

"I do not have boy problems!" she said indignantly.

"I see, that's why you're all over Ryan." Spencer pointed out calmly.

Ryan quickly took his hand from around Stephanie, looking up at Brendon, who was laughing his head off. Stephanie looked up as Jon got up from the couch, stretching. The beginning notes of the solo that Ryan played in the song cut off for Spencer turned off the TV.

Brendon grabbed Jon and Spencer and pushed them into the hallway. Stephanie couldn't help but laugh as she heard their protests and her brother calling out "Band Practise!" just before a door slammed shut. She glanced at Ryan, her eyes wondering, why hadn't he gone along?

"Hey Stephanie?" Ryan asked, finally looking up at her. Stephanie blinked, he never called her Stephanie unless something was troubling him.

"What's up, Ry?" she asked hesitantly.

"We need to talk." he said simply, reaching over and taking Stephanie's smaller hand in his, his eyes locking with her's.


Ok, so, This is my first try ever doing something, so, please don't be too harsh. I won't continue this unless enough people show some interest, okay?