Rose Garden

Rose Garden

She was brought into this world.
Out of a beautiful mistake. When
her mom was just a girl, and her
daddy didn’t stay

A 16-year-old girl stares at a 2-week-old baby girl with bright red hair and piercing blue eyes. Slowly moving her gaze to the front door of a small apartment and then back to the baby, her glare becomes iced, as she looks longer at her baby girl. Because of that baby, because she came into the world he left! The love of her life left, of course his age of 17 and hers of 16 also helped a strained relationship fall apart but in her mind it was all the fault of the baby girl with bright red hair and piercing blue eyes that was slowly waking up to gurgle and reach for her.

She was working at age 9 at
the flower shop in town working
not just to survive ‘cause life was
throwing her around

No longer 2 weeks old, a now 9-year-old with dull red hair and pained blue eyes wakes up to the sounds of 5 am, sneaking out quietly to not wake up her passed out mother, she knows better to do that. Strained relationships furthered into being hated by her own mother because she looked like her father.

She quickly runs down the streets of busy city, trying not to get trampled by the people already awake and also on their way to work. She makes it to the bakery just before it opens at 7 smiling politely at the only person who currently takes care of her, as he hands her a bag containing a small sandwich usually made from the previous days bread and a small juice box, he thinks he is giving her a lunch for school, but he’ll never know she works right next door. She doesn’t talk much he is her only friend and it doesn’t bother her at all that it is this way, it just always has been.

In the rose garden
where the rain is falling
and the thorns are sharpened
the rose garden yeah, rose garden

She smiled timidly at her boss as she enters the door. Her boss isn’t a strict women but this child is so used to fearing female authority. Her boss smiles back and nods towards the broom. After sweeping, mopping and dusting the things her 9-year-old body could reach she was sent out back to water the roses.

As she stepped out side and turns on the hose she shoots water straight into the air to ensure she covers every rose in the garden. The cold water hitting her face makes it feel like its lightly raining and for a second she smiles a true smile. After watering the roses she studies them, such a beautiful and dangerous plant. She peers closely at the colors of the petals and down the deep green of the stem memorizing where each thorn appears.
She was young
but not naïve always
wise beyond her years

As she walked home she counted and recounted the $3.75 she got for her work that day. If she took out the normal quarter her mother would never know, and then she could call her grandfather tomorrow because she would finally have enough to make the call worthwhile. She loved her grandfather and to her it was safe to say he was the only person that loved her. In her mind she knew her mother hated her, obviously so did her father or he would have stayed. And her grandmother well she blamed her for the fact that her mother’s life was ruined. But wasn’t it her mothers choice?

She smiled a small smile at the thought of her grandfather rushing in and saving her from her mother. He would tell her how stupid she was to treat her daughter like that and then he would tell her grandmother that if she didn’t like it then she could live with her daughter because he loved his granddaughter and wanted her with him at all times.

Hoping that no one
would see everytime
she dried her tears

She quickly wipes her eyes making sure there is no evidence that she was crying before she reaches her apartment building. She shoves the quarter deep into her pocket and holds tightly onto the rest. Taking a deep breath she walks into her apartment, her mother is not home. She breathes a sigh of relief that she beat her home. Looking at the clock she figures the time until her mother will walk through the door. She runs into the small bedroom hiding her quarter where the rest are in a place her mother would never look, the tiny beside table drawer that she had been permitted to use for clothes.

Checking the clock again she puts her mothers money neatly on the table and dashes for the bathroom. Changing out of her clothes she runs barely warm water into the tub she jumps in with the small bar of soap she gets once a month that is to be used for everything but toothpaste. She washes herself quickly and dries off using the tattered towel she is allowed to have and then washes the clothes she had on that day in the same water not daring to run anymore. She changes quickly into cleanish dry clothes and puts her wet clothes on the fire escape to dry.

In the rose garden
where the rain is falling
and the thorns are sharpened
the rose garden yeah, rose

The tired strained lonely 9-year-old wakes up to the sounds of 4 am. Rushing to get ready quietly. She grabs the almost 2 dollars out of her drawer and sneaks out. Running down the street to the pay phone she has an hour to talk to her grandfather now and at lunch, that way she’s not late to work and she doesn’t miss a thing. She dials the number that she memorized from the phone book and it rings once before his voice comes on the line. The voice of her savior, they talk about everything work for both of them and how her mother is and grandmother. All too soon she hears a beep in her ear telling her its time to get off the phone. She says a quick goodbye and before she can stop herself mutters an “I love you papa”. She hears an “I” before the line goes dead and she sighs. Realizing what that means she starts running in the direction of the bakery.

At lunch she walks down 3 doors to the pay phone and dials her grandfathers number again. After one ring she hears his voice again. They talk a little bit about how her day is going, and when she hears the small beep in her ear she hears something else to, a very caring voice almost sweeter than usual say definitively “I love you sweetheart”. Her heart soars as she says “I love you too” hanging up the phone if only for a brief moment the pain in her blue eyes is melted away.

Don’t let those petals fall
don’t let them fall on you
don’t let those petals fall
don’t let them fall on you
yeah, yeah, yeah

As the days fly by she is floating on her grandfather’s words. Not only I love you but that he told her to stick it out to “not let the petals fall on her”. This renewed her hope maybe he would really rescue her.

A year goes by, then 2 the talks grow shorter and shorter with her grandfather. He can’t stay on the phone long because grandma is sick and he has to take care of her. He tells the 11-year-old girl hanging on by a thread of hope that things can only get better, and she believes him. One day she calls and never gets an answer her heart falls as her last shreds of hope fall. She walks slowly home from work not caring what if any beating this will get her. She enters the door and tosses her mothers money onto the table hiding the quarter just in case she might need it some day.

In the rose garden
where the rain is falling
and the thorns are sharpened
the rose garden, yeah, rose garden

The next morning as she heads for work she is almost careless, being noisier than she would usually ever dare. She leaves and heads towards the bakery. When she arrives she sees and unfamiliar face standing next to the baker the old man smiles at her and holds out his arms. He calls her name and her face lights up. Her savior has finally come, her grandmother died, and he had no intention of telling her mother. When they got back to his home after spending the day shopping to get her everything she really needed, her grandfather picks up the phone dialing the house number she was never permitted to know or use. He talks for a little bit and then smiles at his granddaughter; she is now his and will never work another day as long as he can help it.
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So let me know what you think. I personally love this song and I think that I did pretty good I hope :)