Status: Finished. What else is there to write?

11:11 Isn't all it's Cracked Up to Be

Chapter Two

He didn’t want anyone to save him though. She realized that soon enough. Well, she didn’t actually realize it because he said nothing of the sort. Things seemed perfect to her. They seemed like a great couple. They hadn’t fought, hadn’t even argued about anything so she assumed things were perfect.

Adelaide knew that he didn’t like to share his feeling, knew she had to savor the times when he would share them with her. She liked it when he would do that, liked that he trusted her enough with his feelings and the things that he got himself into sometimes. She knew not to judge him on these things and merely listened, knowing he didn’t really expect an answer from her.

It was true that his life was completely different from the one that she led and she did not even want to delve into some of the things he did, but she accepted him for it anyway. He knew that. At least, she thought he did.

Instead of making his true feelings known to her, he decided he was going to break it off without an explanation. And not just break it off, but do it over text. No, he didn’t have the guts to do it in person. And he wouldn’t meet with her when she said she wanted to talk about it- said she thought things would still work despite the difference in their lives.

He told her they were too different. That he couldn’t give her what she ‘deserved.’ He never asked her what she thought it was she deserved and she thought she made it clear that she really didn’t expect much. She wanted to be able to talk to him every day, see him a couple times a week. That really didn’t seem like too much to ask to her. Apparently he couldn’t handle it. Adelaide understood that she didn’t exactly live the way that he did, but she didn’t think that mattered. She knew he liked her, he knew she liked him.

That wasn’t enough for him though. Christopher wasn’t willing to give up the life he was living so that she could be happy. Instead, he decided to text her at nine o’clock in the morning to tell her things were over.

Adelaide promised herself that she wouldn’t cry over a guy, that she would be stronger than that. So much for that though. She broke down during class and had to leave the room, spent the entire period in the bathroom crying to her friend then spent the majority of the day crying to her best friend.

She felt weak. She felt pathetic. She felt like an idiot for thinking things would work.

Her friends told her it was his fault, that he wasn’t good enough for her and she needed to see that. She couldn’t help but feel like she wasn’t good enough for him. That she wasn’t enough to make him want to stick around. What could she have possibly done wrong within the short time they were going out to make him believe she wasn’t worth the effort?

She had liked him for so long; thought things would work out finally. She should have known better though. Whether she was just thinking wishfully or not, things did not go the way she thought they would. And she was heartbroken despite everything she tried to do to prevent it. There was nothing she could do to change that.

She cried for a few days, unable to find a reason despite how hard she tried. And he wouldn’t give her any answers. The attempts Adelaide made to get him to justify his reasons were futile. He would either ignore her or give her short responses that did nothing to answer her questions. And he told her they could meet up to talk about it. But he ignored her or said he was too busy.

Finally, she decided to give up trying. She tried reasoning with him. Tried guilting him because it was such a jerk move to pull. Nothing was going to work so she decided it wasn’t worth the struggle. If he wanted to man up and actually talk about it then she would be there to talk. There was nothing else Adelaide could do though, and she realized that, as much as she hated to admit it.

Obviously, she didn’t want it to be over, didn’t want to accept that after liking him for so long, their relationship wouldn’t last long at all, but she had to face reality. He didn’t want to talk about it, didn’t want to make things better, and apparently wasn’t willing to be friends yet- if ever. That made her sad.

The realization hit that she truly thought she was in love with him and that made it way harder to accept. She knew while they were a couple that she really liked him, but it took him breaking up with her to realize that she loved him fully. That really sucked.

What was she to do about it though? It’s not like she could go up to him and tell him she was in love with him. That would guarantee one of two things: they could never even be friends after that, or he would get some form of restraining order. Neither were choices she wanted.

Instead, Adelaide tried to forget about him and go about things like she normally would on any other occasion. But she found that he was on her mind a lot and was always there when she tried-in vein- to fall asleep.

Why did Christopher Lessinger have this affect on her? She hated the way he could get to her like no one else could.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, pretty much exactly how it went down.
Way more truth than fiction.
Still have yet to talk to him. Two, maybe three weeks later?
Is it pathetic that I don't want to stop being friends with him?